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App-Based Bluetooth LE Waveform Generation

Generate Bluetooth® low energy (LE) waveforms by using the Bluetooth LE Waveform Generator app.

Open Bluetooth LE Waveform Generator App

On the Apps tab of the MATLAB® toolstrip under Signal Processing and Communication, select the Bluetooth Low Energy app icon. This opens the Wireless Waveform Generator app configured for Bluetooth LE waveform generation.

Generate Bluetooth LE Waveform

To generate a Bluetooth LE waveform, perform these steps.

  1. Select the PHY Data rate of the Bluetooth LE waveform you want to generate. The app enables you to generate Bluetooth LE waveforms with PHY data rates of 2 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 500 Kbps, or 125 Kbps.

  2. Specify the Samples per symbol, Channel index, and Access address values.

  3. Enable or disable the Data whitening option.

  4. Specify the Modulation index and Pulse length values.

  5. Specify the Bit source value.

  6. To visualize the waveform, click Generate.

For example, this figure shows the Time Scope, Spectrum Analyzer, Constellation Diagram, and Eye Diagram visualization results for a Bluetooth LE waveform generated by using random input bits at a data rate of 2 Mbps.

Export Generated Waveform

You can export the generated waveform and its parameters by clicking Export. You can export the waveform as one of these options.

  • A MATLAB script with the .m extension, which you can run to generate the waveform without the app

  • A file with a .bb, .mat, or .txt extension

  • Your MATLAB workspace, as a structure

  • A Simulink block, which you can use to generate the waveform in a Simulink model without the app

Transmit Bluetooth LE Waveform

Transmitting waveforms requires a license for Instrument Control Toolbox™. To transmit a generated waveform, click the Transmitter tab on the app toolstrip and configure the instruments. You can use any instrument supported by the rfsiggen function.

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