Data Import and Export
Import data in various formats, including FASTA, GenBank, GenPept,
EMBL, BLAST, PDB, PFAM, ClustalW, GCG, PHYLIP, Newick, and FASTQ, from
public repositories and local file systems; write to various formats,
including FASTA, PDB, and Newick
Import data from public databases, such as GenBank and EMBL, and use it for further analyses within MATLAB. Load data from various file formats including FASTA, FASTQ, GenBank, EMBL, and BLAST. You can also save the results to various file formats.
- Exploring a Nucleotide Sequence Using Command Line
Starting with a DNA sequence, calculate statistics for the nucleotide content.
- Exploring a Nucleotide Sequence Using the Sequence Viewer App
Use a graphical interface for the sequence functions.
- Data Formats and Databases
Access online databases and repositories using various MATLAB® functions and import data to the workspace for further analyses.