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Verify filter design is IEC 61672-1:2002 compliant


complianceStatus = isStandardCompliant(weightFilt,classType) returns a logical scalar, complianceStatus, indicating whether the weightFilt filter design is compliant with the minimum and maximum attenuation specifications for the classType design specified in IEC 61672-1:2002. You can check compliance for A-weighting and C-weighting filters only.


complianceStatus = isStandardCompliant(___,freqRange) specifies the range of frequencies checked for compliance.



collapse all

Create an object of the weightingFilter System object™. Call isStandardCompliant, specifying the compliance class type to check as the second argument.

weightFilt = weightingFilter;
complianceStatus = isStandardCompliant(weightFilt,'class 1')
complianceStatus = logical

Create an object of the weightingFilter System object™. Check the 'class 2' compliance status of the filter design over a specified frequency range.

weightFilt = weightingFilter;
isStandardCompliant(weightFilt,'class 2',[120,2000])
ans = logical

Input Arguments

collapse all

Object of the weightingFilter System object™.

Compliance class type to verify, specified as 'class 1 or 'class 2'.

Data Types: char

Specify the frequency range, in Hz, checked for compliance as a two-element vector of increasing values: [minFreq,maxFreq].

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Compliance status of filter design, returned as a logical scalar. The compliance status indicates whether the weightFilt filter design is compliant with the minimum and maximum attenuation specifications for the class type design specified by IEC 61672-1:2002 standard. Compliance can only be checked for A-weighting and C-weighting filters.

Data Types: logical


The pole-zero values defined in the ANSI S1.42-2001 standard are used for designing the A-weighted and C-weighted filters. The pole-zero values are based on analog filters, so the design can break compliance for lower sample rates.

Version History

Introduced in R2016b