My graph isn't picking up my time increments. How can I fix it? My loop generates my x values, but I'm trying to graph them over time.
clear Ts=30; % ms Td=60; % ms Chs=.001; % L/mmhg Chd=.015; % L/mmhg N=800; % number of elements t=0:1:N ; % all time value...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

How to surface or mesh plot imported data?
Refer this link: https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/412639-creating-surface-plot-from-a-matrix-with-3-columns?s_tid=...

約1年 前 | 0

Error using stem()...... X must be same length as Y.
I have given one wproper working code for unit step signal. Understand it and change the others like wise. t=-5:0.1:5; nt = ...

約1年 前 | 0

What command has replaced the old MATLAB command called clg?

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

How to sorten the result value depicted on text area
REad about fprintf, sprintf

約1年 前 | 0

Random Gaussian number generators
REad about randn function disorder = generate_disorder(L, W) % Generate a disordered sequence of on-site energies...

約1年 前 | 0

opening and viewing mat file having different snapshots /class : structure
Read about matfile. S = matfile('myfile.mat') ; You can access the variables of the matfile from S. If you want more specific ...

約1年 前 | 0

Smallest mask enclosing a polygon
You need not to use a loop. If you want fine mask, increase the resolution. X = longitude; Y = latitude; [Y,X] = meshgrid(Y,X...

約1年 前 | 0

Error: Illegal use of reserved keyword "end".
Remove end in the code which is lying in the last.

約1年 前 | 0

How to generate scatter plot similar to attached scatter plot?
T = readtable('https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/1458992/Test.csv') ; plotregression(T.(1),T.(2)) ...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Issues with splitting a matrix into many smaller matrix
You need to load the data from csv file into MATLAB first. T = readtable('https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploa...

約1年 前 | 0

Plot Heatmap from distinct coordinates and data array of floats
It depends on your data whether it is structured or unstructured. Let x, y, z be your column data vectors. %%structured xi =...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

flipping a maximum point to become a minimum of the same size
You can chnage the sign right? plot(xup,-yup)

約1年 前 | 0

Find the velocity of a travelling wave like behaviour
I will suggest to use the function InterX. N = 1000 ; x = linspace(0,200,N) ; y = rand(size(x)) ; L1 = [x;y] ; L2 = [...

約1年 前 | 0

cropping netcdf files using geo-coordinates
Why don't you use interp2. Let X, Y and Z be your original data. Xi, Yi is your coordinates for which you want to crop/ extrac...

約1年 前 | 0

Why the given codes give errors for vector bounds but runs well for scalar bounds?
Use this function instead of your bbo3. function [BestX,fmin]=bbo3(obj,dim,lb,ub,iter,pop1) %% Problem Definition CostFunc...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Not able to figure out the way to deal with large vectors
n=-10:1:10; c1 = 0 ; c2 = 0 ; E = zeros([],1) ; O = zeros([],1) ; for i = 1:length(n) %% Get your x(n) if mod(x(...

約1年 前 | 0

How to integrate a vector over a surface of x,y-coordinate vectors
You need to find out whether your data is structured is unstructured. Depedning on that, you need to proceed. %%structured x...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Why are symbolic expressions not exactly symbolic?
It is suggested to use live script. syms x f = taylor(exp(x)) pretty(f)

約1年 前 | 1

how to put an scale for arrow size in quiver plot for wind vector over map?
[X,Y,Z] = peaks(50) ; [u,v] = gradient(Z) ; w = sqrt(u.^2+v.^2) ; figure hold on h1 = pcolor(X,Y,w) ; h2 = quiver(X,Y,...

約1年 前 | 0

How to find the range of a contour along each dimension of a plane with least possible error?
C = contour(x,log2(y),Data,[-99,1],'k'); x = C(1,:) ; y = C(2,:) ; iwant = [min(x) min(y) ; max(x) min(y) ; ...

約1年 前 | 0

Image Processing Dimension Error
This line: point_indices = [1, 2; 2, 3; 3, 4; 4, 1; 5, 6; 6, 7; 7, 8; 8, 5]; should have indices/ values which should be less ...

約1年 前 | 0

Delete frames from video
vidObj = VideoReader('Motion.avi'); % Read video frames until the end of the file is reached by using the readFrame method. vi...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

fill missing value in array
x = 1:100 ; y = rand(size(x)) ; % Introduce NaN's randomly idx = randperm(100,20) ; y0 = y ; y(idx) = NaN ; % Use in...

約1年 前 | 0

| 採用済み

How to save the output of loop function with different names?
for i = 1:10 fname = strcat('plot_',num2str(i),'.png') ; plot(rand(1,10)) saveas(gcf,fname) end

1年以上 前 | 1

| 採用済み

spatial and temporal mean of ERA5 monthly data
Read about mean. You can specify the dimension you want here.

1年以上 前 | 0

How can I make this code more efficient?
Read abput preallocating/ initializing the variables. nx1=1216; nye=160; dx=1.973684; dy=1.875; nm=0; t1 = tic ; % See th...

1年以上 前 | 0

| 採用済み

using quiver to create a vector field for an equation with only 1 variable.
alpha = rand ; beta = rand ; p = rand ; q = rand ; y = linspace(0,1) ; yprime = alpha*y - beta*y.^2-(((y.^3)*p)./((y.^3)+q)...

1年以上 前 | 0

Sum values on the maximum number of consecutive days
load Sample.mat ; R_3 = R_3' ; n = 1:length(R_3) ; ii = zeros(size(R_3)); jj = R_3 > 1 ; ii(strfind([0,jj(:)'],[0 1])) =...

1年以上 前 | 0

How to determine phase shift?
Refer this: https://in.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/91647-how-do-i-calculate-the-amplitude-ratio-and-phase-lag-for-two-si...

1年以上 前 | 0
