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Decode J1939 Data from MDF Files

This example shows you how to import and decode J1939 data from MDF files in MATLAB® for analysis. The MDF file used in this example was generated from Vector CANoe using the "System Configuration (J1939)" sample. This example also uses the CAN database file, Powertrain_J1939_MDF.dbc, provided with the Vector sample configuration.

View Details of the MDF File

View metadata of an MDF file using the mdfInfo function.

ans = 
  MDFInfo with properties:

   File Details
                  Name: "LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4"
                  Path: "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3411377/tpba456d33/vnt-ex76385747/LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4"
                Author: ""
            Department: ""
               Project: ""
               Subject: ""
               Comment: ""
               Version: "4.10"
      InitialTimestamp: 2021-04-21 14:05:13.232000000

   Creator Details
     ProgramIdentifier: "MDF4Lib"
     CreatorVendorName: "Vector Informatik GmbH"
       CreatorToolName: "CANoe"
    CreatorToolVersion: "12.0.167"
       CreatorUserName: "sdange"
        CreatorComment: "Created using MdfLog version and Mdf4Lib version  X64 (2018-03-13)"

   File Contents
            Attachment: [5x7 table]
     ChannelGroupCount: 43
                 Event: [0x8 eventtable]

Identify J1939 CAN Data Frames

According to the ASAM MDF associated standard for bus logging, the event types defined for a CAN bus system can be "CAN_DataFrame", "CAN_RemoteFrame", "CAN_ErrorFrame", or "CAN_OverloadFrame". J1939 is a protocol built on top of the CAN protocol. A J1939 parameter group (PG) is a set of parameters belonging to the same topic and sharing the same transmission rate. For example, the Electronic Engine Controller 1 (EEC1) PG contains engine speed, engine torque demand percent, actual engine torque percent, etc. Each parameter group is addressed via a unique number called the parameter group number (PGN). J1939 PGs are transmitted as CAN frames, and the MDF file reflects that a J1939 PG is logged as a "CAN_DataFrame".

The standard specifies that the channel names of the event structure should be prefixed by the event type name, for instance, "CAN_DataFrame". Typically a dot is used as a separator character to specify the member channels, for instance, "CAN_DataFrame.ID" or "CAN_DataFrame.DataLength".

Use the mdfChannelInfo function to locate channel names matching "CAN_DataFrame.*". A table with information on matched channels is returned.

mdfChannelInfo("LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4", Channel="CAN_DataFrame.*")
ans=24×13 table
                Name                 GroupNumber    GroupNumSamples    GroupAcquisitionName    GroupComment    GroupSourceName    GroupSourcePath      DisplayName         Unit                                 Comment                              ExtendedNamePrefix    SourceName     SourcePath
    _____________________________    ___________    _______________    ____________________    ____________    _______________    _______________    _______________    ___________    __________________________________________________________    __________________    ___________    __________

    "CAN_DataFrame.BitCount"             13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BitCount"         <undefined>    Frame length in bits.                                                CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.BitCount"             14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BitCount"         <undefined>    Frame length in bits.                                                CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.BusChannel"           13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BusChannel"       <undefined>    Logical bus channel number the frame was sent or received.           CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.BusChannel"           14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BusChannel"       <undefined>    Logical bus channel number the frame was sent or received.           CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DLC"                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DLC"              <undefined>    Data length code.                                                    CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DLC"                  14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DLC"              <undefined>    Data length code.                                                    CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataBytes"            13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataBytes"        <undefined>    Payload data bytes containing the signal values.                     CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataBytes"            14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataBytes"        <undefined>    Payload data bytes containing the signal values.                     CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataLength"           13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataLength"       <undefined>    Length of stored payload in bytes.                                   CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataLength"           14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataLength"       <undefined>    Length of stored payload in bytes.                                   CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.Dir"                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Dir"              <undefined>    Bit signal indicating the direction (Rx, Tx).                        CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.Dir"                  14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Dir"              <undefined>    Bit signal indicating the direction (Rx, Tx).                        CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.Flags"                13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Flags"            <undefined>    Combination of bit flags for the message.                            CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.Flags"                14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Flags"            <undefined>    Combination of bit flags for the message.                            CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   
    "CAN_DataFrame.FrameDuration"        13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "FrameDuration"    ns             Duration for transmission of the frame in nanoseconds.               CAN2           <undefined>       CAN2   
    "CAN_DataFrame.FrameDuration"        14              92720                 CAN1            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "FrameDuration"    ns             Duration for transmission of the frame in nanoseconds.               CAN1           <undefined>       CAN1   

The J1939 powertrain data of interest was logged from the CAN 2 network. The output above shows that the data from CAN 2 network has been stored in channel group 13 of the MDF file. View details about channel group 13 using the mdfChannelGroupInfo function by specifying the GroupNumber option.

mdfChannelGroupInfo("LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4", GroupNumber=13)
ans=1×13 table
    GroupNumber    AcquisitionName      Comment      NumSamples    DataSize    Sorted    SourceName      SourcePath      SourceComment    SourceType    SourceBusType    SourceBusChannelNumber    SourceSimulated
    ___________    _______________    ___________    __________    ________    ______    ___________    _____________    _____________    __________    _____________    ______________________    _______________

        13              CAN2          <undefined>      26054        703458     true      <undefined>    CAN_DataFrame     <undefined>        Bus             CAN                   2                    false     

View details about all the channels within channel group 13 using mdfChannelInfo.

mdfChannelInfo("LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4", GroupNumber=13)
ans=13×13 table
                Name                 GroupNumber    GroupNumSamples    GroupAcquisitionName    GroupComment    GroupSourceName    GroupSourcePath      DisplayName         Unit                                 Comment                              ExtendedNamePrefix    SourceName     SourcePath 
    _____________________________    ___________    _______________    ____________________    ____________    _______________    _______________    _______________    ___________    __________________________________________________________    __________________    ___________    ___________

    "CAN_DataFrame.BitCount"             13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BitCount"         <undefined>    Frame length in bits.                                                CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.BusChannel"           13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "BusChannel"       <undefined>    Logical bus channel number the frame was sent or received.           CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.DLC"                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DLC"              <undefined>    Data length code.                                                    CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataBytes"            13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataBytes"        <undefined>    Payload data bytes containing the signal values.                     CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.DataLength"           13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "DataLength"       <undefined>    Length of stored payload in bytes.                                   CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.Dir"                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Dir"              <undefined>    Bit signal indicating the direction (Rx, Tx).                        CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.Flags"                13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "Flags"            <undefined>    Combination of bit flags for the message.                            CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.FrameDuration"        13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "FrameDuration"    ns             Duration for transmission of the frame in nanoseconds.               CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.ID"                   13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "ID"               <undefined>    ID of the CAN message.                                               CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.IDE"                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "IDE"              <undefined>    Identifier Extension bit.                                            CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.SingleWire"           13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "SingleWire"       <undefined>    Bit flag indicating a single wire operation.                         CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "CAN_DataFrame.WakeUp"               13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     "WakeUp"           <undefined>    Bit flag indicating a wake-up message (high voltage).                CAN2           <undefined>    CAN2       
    "t"                                  13              26054                 CAN2            <undefined>       <undefined>       CAN_DataFrame     ""                 s              <undefined>                                                          CAN2           <undefined>    <undefined>

Read J1939 CAN Data Frames from the MDF File

Read all data in channel group 13 into a timetable using the mdfRead function. The timetable is structured to follow the ASAM MDF standard logging format. Each row represents one raw CAN frame from the bus, while each column represents a channel within the specified channel group. The channels, such as "CAN_DataFrame.Dir", are named to follow the bus logging standard.

data = mdfRead("LoggingMDF_J1939.mf4", GroupNumber=13)
data = 1x1 cell array
    {26054x12 timetable}

canData = data{1}
canData=26054×12 timetable
             t          CAN_DataFrame.BusChannel    CAN_DataFrame.Flags    CAN_DataFrame.Dir    CAN_DataFrame.SingleWire    CAN_DataFrame.WakeUp    CAN_DataFrame.ID    CAN_DataFrame.IDE    CAN_DataFrame.FrameDuration    CAN_DataFrame.BitCount    CAN_DataFrame.DLC    CAN_DataFrame.DataLength          CAN_DataFrame.DataBytes      
        ____________    ________________________    ___________________    _________________    ________________________    ____________________    ________________    _________________    ___________________________    ______________________    _________________    ________________________    ___________________________________

        0.000568 sec               2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565799910               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[      105 52 169 232 0 131 0 16]}
        0.27057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.29057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.30058 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866470               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.30116 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2566810854               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.31057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.33057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.35058 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866470               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.35115 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.35173 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2566810854               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.3523 sec                 2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2566844902               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[     255 0 0 12 255 255 224 255]}
        0.37057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.39057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}
        0.40058 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866470               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.40116 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2566810854               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}
        0.41057 sec                2                         1                   "Tx"                      0                         0                 2565866726               1                         0                           0                       8                       8                {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}

Decode J1939 Parameter Groups Using the DBC File

Open the DBC file using the canDatabase function.

canDB = canDatabase("Powertrain_J1939_MDF.dbc")
canDB = 
  Database with properties:

             Name: 'Powertrain_J1939_MDF'
             Path: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3411377/tpba456d33/vnt-ex76385747/Powertrain_J1939_MDF.dbc'
        UTF8_File: '/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3411377/tpa1027361_0482_4e98_93c0_8cb043c02d76'
            Nodes: {12x1 cell}
         NodeInfo: [12x1 struct]
         Messages: {93x1 cell}
      MessageInfo: [93x1 struct]
       Attributes: {3x1 cell}
    AttributeInfo: [3x1 struct]
         UserData: []

The j1939ParameterGroupTimetable function uses the database to decode the raw CAN Data into PGs, PGNs and signals. The timetable of ASAM standard logging format data is converted into a Vehicle Network Toolbox™ J1939 parameter group timetable.

j1939PGTimetable = j1939ParameterGroupTimetable(canData, canDB)
j1939PGTimetable=26054×8 timetable
        Time          Name       PGN     Priority        PDUFormatType        SourceAddress    DestinationAddress                   Data                      Signals   
    ____________    ________    _____    ________    _____________________    _____________    __________________    ___________________________________    ____________

    0.000568 sec    ACL         60928       6        Peer-to-Peer (Type 1)         230                255            {[      105 52 169 232 0 131 0 16]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.27057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.29057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.30058 sec     EEC2_EMS    61443       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.30116 sec     TCO1_TCO    65132       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.31057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.33057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.35058 sec     EEC2_EMS    61443       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.35115 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.35173 sec     TCO1_TCO    65132       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.3523 sec      CCVS_EMS    65265       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[     255 0 0 12 255 255 224 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.37057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.39057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.40058 sec     EEC2_EMS    61443       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 0 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.40116 sec     TCO1_TCO    65132       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}
    0.41057 sec     EEC1_EMS    61444       6        Broadcast (Type 2)            230                255            {[  255 255 255 208 7 255 255 255]}    {1x1 struct}

View the signal data stored in the third PG of the timetable, which is one instance of the "EEC1_EMS" PG.

signalData = j1939PGTimetable.Signals{3}
signalData = struct with fields:
             EngDemandPercentTorque: 130
                     EngStarterMode: 15
    SrcAddrssOfCtrllngDvcForEngCtrl: 255
                           EngSpeed: 250
             ActualEngPercentTorque: 130
      DriversDemandEngPercentTorque: 130
                      EngTorqueMode: 15

Repackage and Visualize Signal Values of Interest

Use the j1939SignalTimetable function to repackage signal data from each unique PGN on the bus into a signal timetable. This example creates two individual signal timetables for the two PGs of interest, "EEC1_EMS" and "TCO1_TCO", from the J1939 PG timetable.

signalTimetable1 = j1939SignalTimetable(j1939PGTimetable, "ParameterGroups", "EEC1_EMS")
signalTimetable1=12043×7 timetable
       Time        EngDemandPercentTorque    EngStarterMode    SrcAddrssOfCtrllngDvcForEngCtrl    EngSpeed    ActualEngPercentTorque    DriversDemandEngPercentTorque    EngTorqueMode
    ___________    ______________________    ______________    _______________________________    ________    ______________________    _____________________________    _____________

    0.27057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.29057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.31057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.33057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.35115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.37057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.39057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.41057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.43057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.45115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.47057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.49057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.51057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.53057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.55115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.57057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      

signalTimetable2 = j1939SignalTimetable(j1939PGTimetable, "ParameterGroups", "TCO1_TCO")
signalTimetable2=4817×14 timetable
       Time        TachographVehicleSpeed    TachographOutputShaftSpeed    DirectionIndicator    TachographPerformance    HandlingInformation    SystemEvent    DriverCardDriver2    Driver2TimeRelatedStates    Overspeed    DriverCardDriver1    Driver1TimeRelatedStates    DriveRecognize    Driver2WorkingState    Driver1WorkingState
    ___________    ______________________    __________________________    __________________    _____________________    ___________________    ___________    _________________    ________________________    _________    _________________    ________________________    ______________    ___________________    ___________________

    0.30116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.35173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.40116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.45173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.50116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.55173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.60116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.65173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.70116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.75173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.80116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.85173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.90116 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    0.95173 sec             256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    1.0012 sec              256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         
    1.0517 sec              256                        8191.9                      3                       3                       3                  3                 3                       15                   3                3                       15                     3                    7                      7         

You can alternatively choose to convert the whole J1939 PG timetable into a struct containing multiple J1939 signal timetables for each individual PG, and index into it to get data for a particular PG.

signalTimetables = j1939SignalTimetable(j1939PGTimetable)
signalTimetables = struct with fields:
          ACL: [1x14 timetable]
     CCVS_EMS: [2408x19 timetable]
           DD: [240x5 timetable]
     EEC1_EMS: [12043x7 timetable]
     EEC2_EMS: [4817x10 timetable]
      ET1_EMS: [240x6 timetable]
    HOURS_EMS: [240x2 timetable]
      LFC_EMS: [480x2 timetable]
         SERV: [240x6 timetable]
     TCO1_TCO: [4817x14 timetable]
     VDHR_EMS: [240x2 timetable]
       VI_EMS: [24x1 timetable]
       VW_SSC: [240x4 timetable]

ans=12043×7 timetable
       Time        EngDemandPercentTorque    EngStarterMode    SrcAddrssOfCtrllngDvcForEngCtrl    EngSpeed    ActualEngPercentTorque    DriversDemandEngPercentTorque    EngTorqueMode
    ___________    ______________________    ______________    _______________________________    ________    ______________________    _____________________________    _____________

    0.27057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.29057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.31057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.33057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.35115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.37057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.39057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.41057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.43057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.45115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.47057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.49057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.51057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.53057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.55115 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      
    0.57057 sec             130                    15                        255                    250                130                           130                      15      

To visualize a signal of interest, variables from the signal timetables can be plotted over time for further analysis. For this example, look at the "EngineSpeed" signal from the "EEC1_EMS" PG.

plot(signalTimetable1.Time, signalTimetable1.EngSpeed, "r")
title("{\itEngineSpeed} signal from {\itEEC1\_EMS} PG", "FontWeight", "bold")
ylabel("Engine Speed")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title EngineSpeed blank signal blank from blank EEC 1 _ EMS PG, xlabel Timestamp, ylabel Engine Speed contains an object of type line.

Close DBC File

Close access to the DBC files by clearing its variable from the workspace.

clear canDB