Main Content

ACF ベースの一時停止標識検出器の学習

学習データを使用して、ACF ベースの一時停止標識用オブジェクト検出器に学習させます。

MATLAB パスにイメージを含むフォルダーを追加します。

imageDir = fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', 'visiondata', 'stopSignImages');

グラウンド トゥルース データを読み込みます。これには、一時停止標識と自動車のデータが含まれます。


ラベル定義を表示して、グラウンド トゥルースに含まれるラベル タイプを確認します。

ans=3×3 table
        Name          Type        Group  
    ____________    _________    ________

    {'stopSign'}    Rectangle    {'None'}
    {'carRear' }    Rectangle    {'None'}
    {'carFront'}    Rectangle    {'None'}


stopSignGroundTruth = selectLabelsByName(stopSignsAndCarsGroundTruth,'stopSign');


trainingData = objectDetectorTrainingData(stopSignGroundTruth);

    imageFilename: 41x1 cell array of character vectors

    stopSign: 41x1 cell

ACF ベースのオブジェクト検出器に学習させます。

acfDetector = trainACFObjectDetector(trainingData,'NegativeSamplesFactor',2);
ACF Object Detector Training
The training will take 4 stages. The model size is 34x31.
Sample positive examples(~100% Completed)
Compute approximation coefficients...Completed.
Compute aggregated channel features...Completed.
Stage 1:
Sample negative examples(~100% Completed)
Compute aggregated channel features...Completed.
Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed.
The trained classifier has 19 weak learners.
Stage 2:
Sample negative examples(~100% Completed)
Found 84 new negative examples for training.
Compute aggregated channel features...Completed.
Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed.
The trained classifier has 20 weak learners.
Stage 3:
Sample negative examples(~100% Completed)
Found 84 new negative examples for training.
Compute aggregated channel features...Completed.
Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed.
The trained classifier has 54 weak learners.
Stage 4:
Sample negative examples(~100% Completed)
Found 84 new negative examples for training.
Compute aggregated channel features...Completed.
Train classifier with 42 positive examples and 84 negative examples...Completed.
The trained classifier has 61 weak learners.
ACF object detector training is completed. Elapsed time is 20.3343 seconds.

ACF ベースの検出器をサンプル イメージでテストします。

I = imread('stopSignTest.jpg');
bboxes = detect(acfDetector,I);


annotation = acfDetector.ModelName;
I = insertObjectAnnotation(I,'rectangle',bboxes,annotation);


パスからイメージ フォルダーを削除します。
