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PS Bias

Add constant bias to input physical signal

Since R2023b

  • PS Bias block

Simscape / Foundation Library / Physical Signals / Functions


The PS Bias block adds a constant bias to the input physical signal:



  • y is the physical signal at the output port O.

  • u is the physical signal at the input port I.

  • b is the bias.



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Input physical signal.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.


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Output physical signal.

The port name is not visible in the block icon, but you can see this name in the underlying source file by clicking the Source code link in the Description tab of the block dialog box.


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The constant bias to add to the input signal. The first edit box represents the value of the bias. If the input signal is a scalar, this value must also be a scalar. If the input signal is a vector or a matrix, then this value can either be a scalar, or a vector or matrix matching the dimensions of the input signal. You can specify both positive and negative values.

The second combo box represents the unit of the bias. This unit must be commensurate with the unit of the input signal. By default, the unit is 1 (unitless). You can select a unit from the drop-down list or type the desired unit name, such as rpm, or a valid expression, such as rad/s. For more information and a list of unit abbreviations, see How to Specify Units in Block Dialogs and Unit Definitions.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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