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Resistor object


Use the resistor class to create a resistor object that you can add to an existing circuit.

Resistor representation



robj = resistor(rvalue) with a resistance of rvalue and default name, R. rvalue must be a numeric non-negative scalar.


robj = resistor(rvalue,rname) creates a resistor object, robj, with a resistance of rvalue and name rname. rname must be a character vector.



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Resistance value specified as a scalar in ohms.

Example: 50

Example: robj.Resistance = 50

Name of resistor object, specified as a character vector. Two elements in the same circuit cannot have the same name.

Example: 'resis'

Example: robj.Name = 'resis'

Names of the terminals of resistor object, specified as a cell vector. This property is read-only. The names p and n stand for positive and negative terminals, respectively.

Full path of the circuit to which the resistor object belongs, specified as character vector. This path appears only after the resistor is added to the circuit.


"ParentPath" is only displayed after the resistor has been added into a circuit.

Circuit nodes in the parent nodes connect to resistor terminals, specified as a vector of integers. This property is read-only and appears only after the resistor is added to a circuit.


"ParentNodes" are only displayed after the resistor has been added into a circuit.

Object Functions

cloneCreate copy of existing circuit element or circuit object


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Create a resistor of resistance 100 ohms and display its properties.

hR1 = resistor(100);
  resistor: Resistor element

    Resistance: 100
          Name: 'R'
     Terminals: {'p'  'n'}

Create an resistor object and extract the s-parameters of this resistor.

hR = resistor(50,'R50');
hckt = circuit('example2');
add(hckt,[1 2],hR)
setports (hckt, [1 0],[2 0])
freq = linspace (1e3,2e3,100);
S = sparameters(hckt,freq);
  sparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x100 double]
    Frequencies: [100x1 double]

Add a resistor to a circuit, display the parent path and parent nodes.

hR = resistor(150,'R150');
hckt = circuit('resistorcircuit');
add(hckt,[1 2],hR)
setports(hckt, [1 0],[2 0])
  resistor: Resistor element

     Resistance: 150
           Name: 'R150'
      Terminals: {'p'  'n'}
    ParentNodes: [1 2]
     ParentPath: 'resistorcircuit'

Version History

Introduced in R2013b

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