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Expected value of quantum circuit or state

Since R2024b

    Installation Required: This functionality requires MATLAB Support Package for Quantum Computing.


    ev = observe(q) returns the expected value of the specified quantum circuit or state.


    ev = observe(q,o) returns the expected value of the quantum circuit or state in the basis specified by the observable o.


    ev = observe(___,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes. For example, to sample the circuit 100 times, set NumShots to 100.



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    Create a quantum circuit with one x-axis rotation gate that acts on a single qubit with rotation angle pi/4.

    gates = rxGate(1,pi/4);
    c = quantumCircuit(gates);

    Calculate the expected value of the quantum circuit. With no specified observable, the observe function defaults to a Z basis measurement on each qubit with a weight of 1.

    ev = observe(c)
    ev = 

    Create a quantum circuit with one x-axis rotation gate that acts on a single qubit with rotation angle pi/4. Create an observable where the Y basis measurement is observed with a weight of 0.5 and the Z basis measurement is observed with a weight of 1.

    gates = rxGate(1,pi/4);
    c = quantumCircuit(gates);
    o = observable(["Y" "Z"],[0.5 1]);

    Calculate the expected value of the quantum circuit in the basis specified by the observable.

    ev = observe(c,o)
    ev = 

    Create the + quantum state, which has a 0.5 probability of measuring either the 1 state or the 0 state, and calculate its expected value. Note that the expected value for states 1 and 0 are –1 and 1, respectively.

    s = quantum.gate.QuantumState("+");
    ev = observe(s)
    ev = 

    Calculate the expected value of the + quantum state at the probability thresholds 0.45, 0.55, 0.8, and 0.95.

    For probability threshold 0.45, which is less than the probability of measuring either state 1 or 0, the returned expected value is the lowest expected value of either state, which is -1.

    ev45 = observe(s,ProbabilityThreshold=0.45)
    ev45 = 

    For probability thresholds greater than the probability of measuring either state 1 or 0, 0.5, the returned expected value approaches the exact expected value of 0 as more of the probability distribution is included.

    ev55 = observe(s,ProbabilityThreshold=0.55)
    ev55 = 
    ev80 = observe(s,ProbabilityThreshold=0.8)
    ev80 = 
    ev95 = observe(s,ProbabilityThreshold=0.95)
    ev95 = 

    Create the + quantum state, which has a 0.5 probability of measuring either the 1 state or the 0 state, and calculate its expected value. Note that the expected value for states 1 and 0 are –1 and 1, respectively.

    s = quantum.gate.QuantumState("+");
    ev = observe(s)
    ev = 

    Calculate the expected value of the + quantum state by sampling the circuit 1, 100, and 10,000 times. As the number of samples increases, the expected value approaches the exact expected value of 0.

    ev1 = observe(s,NumShots=1)
    ev1 = 
    ev100 = observe(s,NumShots=100)
    ev100 = 
    ev10000 = observe(s,NumShots=10000)
    ev10000 = 

    Input Arguments

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    Quantum circuit or state, specified as a quantumCircuit or quantum.gate.QuantumState object.

    Observable, specified as an observable object or a square Hermitian matrix. Specify an observable to return the expected value in a specific basis. If you do not specify an observable, the function defaults to a Z basis measurement on each qubit with a weight of 1.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Example: ev = observe(s,ProbabilityThreshold=0.4)

    Number of times to sample the circuit, specified as a positive integer scalar.

    The function uses random sampling when you specify NumShots, so if you specify the number of times to sample the circuit, the result is an approximation of the exact expected value.

    Probability threshold, specified as a numeric scalar in the range (0,1]. If you specify the probability threshold, the function returns the sum of the lowest expected values up to the total specified probability. You can specify the probability threshold only when the observable Pauli operator has a combination of I and Z basis measurements.

    If you specify the probability threshold, the result is an approximation of the exact expected value.

    Output Arguments

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    Expected value, returned as a real numeric scalar. The expected value is represented as the matrix-vector product s'*O*s, where s is the state vector and O is the matrix representation of the observable.


    • The expected value represents the average measurement result and is fundamental to many quantum algorithms. You can use the observe function to compute exact or approximate expected values.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b