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mxGetDimensions (Fortran)

Pointer to dimensions array

Fortran Syntax

#include "fintrf.h"
mwPointer mxGetDimensions(pm)
mwPointer pm


mxGetDimensions returns a pointer to the first element in the dimensions array. Each integer in the dimensions array represents the number of elements in a particular dimension. The array is not NULL terminated.

Use mxGetDimensions to determine how many elements are in each dimension of the mxArray that pm points to. Call mxGetNumberOfDimensions to get the number of dimensions in the mxArray.

To copy the values to Fortran, use mxCopyPtrToInteger4 as follows:

C      Get dimensions of mxArray, pm
       mxCopyPtrToInteger4(mxGetDimensions(pm), dims,  
     +                      mxGetNumberOfDimensions(pm))

Input Arguments

expand all

Pointer to an mxArray array, specified as mwPointer.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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