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Fractional to decimal conversion


usddec = todecimal(quote) returns the decimal equivalent, usddec, of a security whose price is normally quoted as a whole number and a fraction (quote).


usddec = todecimal(___,fracpart) returns the decimal equivalent, usddec, of a security whose price is normally quoted as a whole number and a fraction (quote). fracpart indicates the fractional base (denominator) with which the security is normally quoted (default = 32).



collapse all

Often secuirty prices are quoted in fractional form based on a denominator of 32. For example, if you see the quoted price is 100:05 it means 100 5/32. To find the equivalent decimal value, enter:

usddec = todecimal(100.05)
usddec = 

You can change the defualt denominator of 32 by using the fracpart optional argument with a value of 16.

usddec = todecimal(97.04, 16)
usddec = 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Quoted security price, specified as a scalar numeric or an NPORTS-by-1 vector.


The convention of using . (period) as a substitute for : (colon) in the input is adopted from Excel® software.

Data Types: double

(Optional) Fractional base (denominator) with which the security is normally quoted, specified as a scalar numeric.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Fractional to decimal conversion, returned as a numeric decimal.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also