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Embedded Coder Supported Hardware

Embedded Coder® generates ANSI/ISO C and C++ code that can be compiled and executed on a processor by manually integrating the generated code with the RTOS, I/O devices, and build tools for your processor.

Embedded Coder provides support packages that help to automate integration, execution, and verification of generated code for the processors and devices in this table.

Support PackageVendorEarliest Release AvailableLast Release Available
Analog Devices DSPsAnalog Devices®R2013aR2015b
ARM Cortex-A ProcessorsARM®R2014aCurrent
ARM Cortex-M ProcessorsARMR2013bCurrent
ARM Cortex-R ProcessorsARMR2016bCurrent
AUTOSAR StandardAUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) development partnershipR2014bR2018b
BeagleBone BlackBeagleBoardR2014bCurrent
Green Hills MULTIGreen Hills® SoftwareR2012bR2014a
Intel SoC DevicesIntel®R2014bCurrent
PX4 AutopilotsDronecodeR2018b


Note: Starting in R2020b, see Supported Hardware (UAV Toolbox)

STMicroelectronics STM32 ProcessorsSTMicroelectronics®R2013bCurrent
Texas Instruments C2000 ProcessorsTexas Instruments®R2013b


Note: Starting in R2023a, see C2000 Microcontroller Blockset (C2000 Microcontroller Blockset)

Texas Instruments C2000 F28M3x Concerto ProcessorsTexas InstrumentsR2014b


Note: Starting in R2023a, see C2000 Microcontroller Blockset (C2000 Microcontroller Blockset)

Texas Instruments C6000 DSPsTexas InstrumentsR2014a


Wind River VxWorks RTOSWind River®R2013bR2017a
AMD SoC DevicesXilinx®R2013aCurrent

For a complete list of hardware support packages, see Hardware Support.

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