HDL Coder - Generate IP Core with Vivado 2015
Hi Zachary, which MATLAB version are you using? If you are using MATLAB and HDL Coder R2015b, the supported Vivado version is Vi...

約9年 前 | 0

Hi RAJASHEKAR, as the error message sugguested: "Target platform "Xilinx Spartan-6 SP605 development board" requires synthesis...

約9年 前 | 1

Worflow advisor tcl scripts generates error at programming phase
Hi Antti, This is a limitation of current HDL Workflow Advisor (R2015b). There is no option to configure the JTAG programming...

9年以上 前 | 0

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what is the difference between FPGA Turnkey and IP Core Generation?
Hi Yashar, Both IP Core Generation and FPGA Turnkey workflows can help you prototype your Simulink/MATLAB algorithm on FPGA/S...

9年以上 前 | 10

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Generate C code for FPGA
Hi Ran, The recommended workflow is to use HDL Coder to generate HDL Code and IP core for Altera SoC FPGA fabric, and use Emb...

9年以上 前 | 1

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HDL Coder Workflow Advisor timing analysis
Hi Grégory, You can open Xilinx ISE project from the link generated in HDL Workflow Advisor step 4.1, and change following tw...

10年弱 前 | 0

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Is HDL Coder capable of generating configurable code?
Hi Ethan, GENERIC/PARAM is supported by HDL Coder when you use "Generate parameterized HDL code from masked subsystem" featur...

10年以上 前 | 0

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Using HDL Coder IP core in Xilinx Vivado instead of EDK
Hi Stefan, Yes, the IP core generation feature for Xilinx Vivado will be supported in MATLAB R2014b release. You can already...

10年以上 前 | 0

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unable to load valid reference design plugin
Hi Roger, In HDL Workflow Advisor Step 1.2 "Set Target Interface", In the table "Target platform interface table", do you have o...

11年弱 前 | 0

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ZedBoard full Linux for MathWorks HDL Coder
Hi Amir, Ubuntu or any other Linux flavor is not supported by HDL Coder and Embedded Coder support package for Zynq/ZedBoard in...

約11年 前 | 0

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how could i generate an axi-stream or axi4-lite dma master by hdl coder?
Hi Owen, HDL Coder doesn't support AXI4-Lite Master mode yet. The current AXI4-Lite support is for slave mode only. You can u...

約11年 前 | 1

HDL Stream FFT in HDL Coder 2013b, not support FPGA?
Hi Owen, The HDL Streaming FFT block only support signed fixed-point data type as input. You can try change your input data t...

11年以上 前 | 0

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HDL Stream FFT in HDL Coder 2013b, not support AXI4-Stream Interface? (single rate?)
Hi Owen, The HDL Streaming FFT block is not yet supported by AXI4-Stream Video interface in 2013b (because this block uses mu...

11年以上 前 | 0

is it possible to work with Altera Cyclone(EP1C12Q240C8) FPGA kit and Matlab HDL workflow advisor ?
Hi Kingsuk, Both the FPGA-in-the-loop and FPGA Turnkey workflow does not support Altera Cyclone FPGA family. The supported FP...

12年以上 前 | 0

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Altera FPGAs
Hi Natalie, Yes, you need a separate Altera FPGA board to prototype Altera Arria II Gx FPGA. Altera FPGA boards are suppor...

12年以上 前 | 0

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