How to implement an LQR controller when the system's state variables and control inputs have different units?
Hi @준호 Could you provide a simple code example involving lqr() to illustrate your concern? There should not be any issues with ...

18日 前 | 0

Simulink physical sys is stable even the Matlab model for the same sys is unstable
Hi @mohamed If at least one pole of the closed-loop system has a positive real part, the system is considered unstable. You may...

19日 前 | 0

How to implement MPC when the number of states is greater than the number of outputs?
Hi @준호 The MPC Controller still functions effectively even when the number of states exceeds the number of outputs. I have made...

20日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Stepinfo provides wrong rise time using [0, 0.63] limits for non minimum phase systems
Hi @Ken Buckholtz Here is another approach to estimating the user-defined rise time: by defining the 'RiseTimeLimits' and ident...

20日 前 | 0

Converting a nonlinear state equation into state dependent matrix form
Hi @Md Sabbir Haider Based on your descriptions, it is entirely acceptable to use the nonlinear state equations for simulation ...

20日 前 | 0

Stepinfo provides wrong rise time using [0, 0.63] limits for non minimum phase systems
Hi @Ken Buckholtz Rise time is a non-standard performance measure. By default, in MATLAB, rise time is defined as the duration ...

20日 前 | 0

please ,write a code to 3D plot this file .
I am unsure about the specific type of 3D plot you require. I reviewed your previous questions and found that you have already l...

22日 前 | 0

How to solve Coupled Differential Equations
Hi @Lorenzo Primarily, coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in additive form can be decoupled using the substitution ...

22日 前 | 0

how can i simulate feedback system with fuzzy controller in m file without simulink?
Hi @mohamed al-asklany If the fuzzy controller (or the *.fis object) has been designed, it is straightforward to implement it ...

23日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Plot the function on graph
Look up the documentation plot(). There are plenty of simple examples that you can learn to plot it yourself.

23日 前 | 0

PSO algorithm MPPT change irradiation condition
Hi @DIMAS You are likely seeking general solutions without needing someone to guide you through the process step-by-step. The d...

24日 前 | 0

How i can talk to support of Matlab website?
Hi @salim saeed I would like to add that when you share your scripts, code, models, or graphics, you grant forum users the righ...

25日 前 | 1

| 採用済み

Rotary Inverted Pendulum State Space Model PID Control
Hi @Burak Mert If no other control requirements are specified, the objective is to "freely" find any combination of gain values...

25日 前 | 0

Evolutionary learning tools or aids
If you are looking for a built-in function for optimizing solutions based on learning principles inspired by biological evolutio...

26日 前 | 0

Step response is not showing up in the legend of my plot
I tried plotting both to display on the same graph and inserted the legends. There's no problems so far. legend('simulated', 'e...

26日 前 | 0

Fit a standard exponential fit to approximate data
Hi @Reji G You can use the approach described by @William Rose. Alternatively, you can use the envelope() function. The followi...

約1ヶ月 前 | 1

minimizing with genetic algorithm
Hey @dal For time-invariant real-valued univariate functions, it is recommended to plot the graph to estimate the approximate l...

2ヶ月 前 | 0

When plotting functions like 1/sin(x), how can I remove the vertical lines at the points of discontinuity?
Use fplot(). fplot(@(x) 1./sind(x), [-359 359]), grid on, xlabel('degree') % d = -345:30:345; % x = deg2rad(d); % y = ...

2ヶ月 前 | 0

how do divide like this picture by code matlab?
Hi @Vuong If this is a topic of Finite Element Analysis, then look up generateMesh() and pdemesh(). gm = fegeometry(@lshapeg);...

2ヶ月 前 | 0

Have successfully used ode45 once in this code, but with the same size parameters am getting an error about initial conditions vector being longer than the return vector.
Hi @Raoul There is no error in organizing the code structure clearly with constants and states (variables that change over time...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

Controllable Companion form for a MIMO system
Hi @naiva saeedia The following is the result returned by compreal: %% Original state-space Plant A = [-0.978707531551846 ...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

Initial Oscillations in Closed Loop Control Model
Hi @Mariangela Plot the vector field, and you should be able to understand the instantaneous dynamics at each point in the phas...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

PID tuning to meet conditions for settling time and overshoot while a stable system with minimum peak time and zero velocity error.
Hi @Ashaya KC Here is the solution using pidtune(). There is no direct way to input the desired settling time and overshoot per...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

| 採用済み

PID tuning to meet conditions for settling time and overshoot while a stable system with minimum peak time and zero velocity error.
Hi @Ashaya KC Let's first use the ideal mathematical solution and then compare it to your solution obtained using the pidtune()...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

having problem plotting ramp function
Hi @Tien Yin The signal in the image is a piecewise function that consists of three sub-functions defined over different interv...

3ヶ月 前 | 1

How to add an s+1 block on simulink?
Hi @Julian Since you are unable to clearly define the control objective and performance requirements, I can only advise you to ...

3ヶ月 前 | 0

Optimization Eigenvalue problem Stiffness matrix
Hi @Marina The problem has two parts. I have solved only the first part for you, which is to determine the characteristic polyn...

4ヶ月 前 | 0

Turning powers of hyperbolic functions to multiple arguments
Hi @Andrew At first, I thought you were describing the sum of arguments. This is certainly not a silly question. However, it re...

4ヶ月 前 | 1

how can I calculate euler constant
Hi @hajer Three days ago, @John D'Errico and I discussed the Gamma function in this thread. I’m not sure how to perform the num...

4ヶ月 前 | 2

make the execution faster
Hi @prabal datta You might as well use the built-in ODE solver, such as ode45, to solve the chaotic Lorenz system for compariso...

4ヶ月 前 | 1
