expression to function using syms
Assuming a b reg1 reg2 are known ahead of time: syms x [1 26] syms y [1 26] syms w [1 26] f = 0; for i = 1:numel(a) r1...

6ヶ月 前 | 1

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Find the 137th character in a file?
datastruct = load('data1.mat'); T = datastruct.T; item_of_interest = T(137);

6ヶ月 前 | 1

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using image command for data with three columns
cmap = [1, 1, 0; 0.7, 0.7, 0.7; 0.929, 0.694, 0.125] pointsize = []; scatter(x, y, pointsize, third_column...

6ヶ月 前 | 1

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I need help updating the entered_code variable within the functions.
entered_code is local to each of the functions. http://matlab.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ#How_can_I_share_data_between_callback_function...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

count of negative vector elements
Using sign() could be okay. The rough outline would be to take the sign() of the values, then to test the sign() twice, once for...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Why is it Showing this error? Help me please.
Change cl=load("clnaca0018.mat","cl"); cd=load("cdnaca0018.mat","cd"); to cl=load("clnaca0018.mat","cl"); cd=load("cdnaca00...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Save a variable during parfor loop
parfor divides the range up into chunks according to the number of pool members. Furthermore, it generally starts from the end o...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

I'm dealing with Speech compression using CELP. And I'm having some problems.
handel.wav = 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\CELP\handel.wav'; That creates a struct named "handel" with a field named "wav" that is th...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

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Calling third party functions in App Designer
Just make sure that the folders are on the MATLAB path, and call them normally.

7ヶ月 前 | 1

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Utilizing the HDF5 library in Matlab
MATLAB does not provide an interface to those calls. You would have to use an external library, and call it from inside MATLAB;...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

how to solve this problem?
Q_p = [Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5] That is a vector. if (Q_p >= 50) & (Q_p < 250); You are testing the vector to see if it is >= 5...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Output 0x1 sym solving a system of equations
you need to solve for the same number of variables as you have equations. You do not have to pay attention to the uninteresti...

7ヶ月 前 | 1

Derive function handle with a vector input argument
q=[3 2 2 3]; f=@(p,x,y) p(1)*x.^2+p(2).*y.^2+p(3)*x.*y+p(4); syms p [1 4] syms x y df=diff(f(p,x,y),x) dfdx = matlabFunctio...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

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Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object
Try inDS(1) = constStruct1; This assumes that inDS has only fields time and signals . If it has additional fields then there i...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Error in function run_HEP() in EEGLAB when running plug in BrainBeats for HEP extraction
Change EEG.event(shortTrials).type = []; to for ST = shortTrials(:).' EEG.event(ST).type = []; end

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Is there a Matlab built in function to determine the domain of a function?
No, there is no built-in function to do that.

7ヶ月 前 | 0

How to Simplify a system of equations and find possible substitions (symbolic toolbox?
If you use matlabFunction and request that it be written to a file, then the default is to optimize. The optimization step invol...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

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what is the relationship between R and R1 and R3 for R.cos(wt+β)=R1.cos(wt+β)+R3.cos(3wt+3β)
syms R R1 R3 w t beta eqn1 = R == sqrt(R1^2 + R3^2); eqn2 = R .* cos(w * t + beta) == R1 .* cos(w*t + beta) + R3 .* cos(w*t + ...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Updating Structure Input for Functions
What if you did something like fruit.apple.Mass = 0.15; %kg fruit.apple.Height = 4; %m fruit.coconut.Mass = 0.89; %kg frui...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

The matlab app interface automatically hides behind other open windows when a file is selected
That was an error associated with R2020b; it was fixed in newer versions.

7ヶ月 前 | 0

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Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'phased.PhaseCodedWaveform'.
You probably have accidentally named a variable bandwidth and that is interfering with using bandwidth as a function.

7ヶ月 前 | 2

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Too many output arguments. Requested 3 output(s), but only 1 output(s) available.
I suspect that your model has been configured to return a single output; https://www.mathworks.com/help/simulink/gui/singlesimu...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

not enough input arguments
You declare f1_func as expecting f1_func(x1,x2,Da1,Da2) but starting from k2x1(n) = Ts*f1_func(x1(n)+k1x1(n)/2,x2(n)+k1x2(n...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

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Attempt to extract field 'pmv' from 'mxArray'
pmvx=py.pythermalcomfort.pmv_ppd(tdb, tr, v_r, rh, met, clo_d); %to calculate pmv and ppd As far as Simulink knows, the result ...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

which matlab version supports scpi commands, real time video and ocr commands?
scpi requires Instrument Control Toolbox ocr requires Computer Vision Toolbox. However the built-in ocr() function is not all...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Matlab code of shape
Apply some elementary trig. Angle = theta/2 --> known L = length of side --> known x/L = sin(Angle) y/L = cos(Angle) x =...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Get value from field
You would get that error if fig is a figure() instead of being a uifigure()

7ヶ月 前 | 0

How can I add White Gaussian Noise?
frequencies is 1 x 3. frequencies' is 3 x 1. t is 1 x 50 (claimed in the code) 2*pi*frequencies'*t would be 3 x 1 * 1 x 50, gi...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

Square root symbol does not display using displayFormula function
S = ["Q_o=sqrt","'('","'2'","'*'","resistor_dissipated_energy","'*'","capacitance","')'"]; symstr = ["'Capacitor initial charge...

7ヶ月 前 | 0

standalone(EXE) textscan is not working well
When you are using compiled executables, it is especially important to use fully qualified filenames everywhere. filename = di...

7ヶ月 前 | 0
