Image segmentation problem, need help
That's a cool problem. I would tend towards a solution that involved filling the 'empty' region from your thresholded 3rd image...

約12年 前 | 0

Order cell array
There's a couple of ways to do this... I assume you want the numbers in ascending order. This works, but relies on the stabili...

約12年 前 | 0

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problem with rotation matrix
Your code works fine, but you're just not plotting it correctly. plot(obstacle_shape(:,1), obstacle_shape(:,2)); You m...

約12年 前 | 0

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Contour plot of spatial distribution of temperature
I would start by removing the invalid readings: archivo( archivo(:,5) < -999, : ) = []; You need to have a higher (and u...

約12年 前 | 0

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Vector against a mirror
From memory... I could be wrong here. Make sure your incoming ray |R| and surface normal |N| (which points out) are both uni...

約12年 前 | 0

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Trouble finding end of a column in Matlab using xlsread
Do you mean this? while( ~isempty(alldata{i,4}) && i < (x-1) )

約12年 前 | 0


MatLab and virtual memory... Who leaked on my disk?
I ran a big job over the weekend, and got back to work this morning to find it was (quite unexpectedly) only 25% complete. Sinc...

約12年 前 | 0 件の回答 | 0



secd vs sec
Because your data ranges are different. The area underneath the curve spanning |-89.5:0.001:89.5| is approximately |180/pi| t...

約12年 前 | 2

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I have written a code please help me in getting the output .
Is the output wave supposed to be 8-bit? That's exceptionally grungey... I don't use these wave file functions, but I expect t...

約12年 前 | 0

matlab 2011b installation problems
Do you have the whole MatLab installation inside a zip file? Normally it comes with a self-extracting executable called somethi...

約12年 前 | 0

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Windows 7 GUI issue
I have absolutely no problem in R2012a on Windows 7 with the following code: f = figure; set(f, 'Position', [0, 0, 1920,...

約12年 前 | 0

How to Convert A Matrix into Excel format
Look at the |xlswrite| function. doc xlswrite

約12年 前 | 0

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mysolve help
Does it work? What specific answer do you require? I can offer a couple of things just from a quick glance... Your comment ...

約12年 前 | 0

Save one image as part of a larger image
Let's just assume that all your images are in a 3D matrix and you want to slap them onto a canvas: canvas = zeros(1000, 512...

約12年 前 | 0

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Dumb mistakes we make with MATLAB.
Corrupting years of experience in other languages... After using MatLab for several months now, I find that when I go back to...

約12年 前 | 0

It's sorta weird to take the histogram of a 2D image... I don't know what it's going to tell you... Well, maybe it's not weird...

約12年 前 | 0

Matching intermittant data to regular time base
I'm just throwing this out there... Here's what I do to match my weather data to a specified time scale. I do actually throw a...

約12年 前 | 0

importdata skips the last few rows?
That's odd... Confirmed in my own 2012a. It appears to be trimming all the entirely NaN rows from the end of your data. I...

約12年 前 | 2

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Urgent! .....Compass plot
Why is this urgent? Try this: set(gca,'xdir','reverse') Or if you want the zero on the right as normal, do this inste...

約12年 前 | 0

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reducing resolution of an image
Think about it... If you half the width and height, that means each group of 2x2 pixels becomes one pixel. You average the p...

約12年 前 | 2

Limit to Textscan?
Thanks for clarifying what your data looks like. I assume that comma immediately after the '4' is a mistake. You could proba...

約12年 前 | 0

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plotyy how to make yaxis align at zero
Well, if I plot some test data: [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy([1 2 3], [-1 5 6], [2 3 4], [-2 1 -1]/2); I get back two axis hand...

約12年 前 | 0

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Generate 0 and 1
I wouldn't do this using the |double| version of |rand|. While it's not really incorrect to use |rand| for this, I would use |r...

約12年 前 | 0

Limit to Textscan?
I doubt there is a limit for the tiny numbers you're talking about. What I expect has happened is that |textread| encountered...

約12年 前 | 0

how to delete NaN from a column of data
If all you want is the mean, just use |nanmean|: help nanmean There are a bunch of functions that explicitly ignore NaN ...

約12年 前 | 0

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groupby of one column
Selection is different from grouping. If you just want |instance_no| and |delays| where |message_no=2|, you can do this (assumi...

約12年 前 | 1

Detect different colors in RGB colorspace
Are you trying to detect a specific colour? All you are doing here is thresholding, and your code is going to detect anything t...

約12年 前 | 0


Who Has the Most Change?
You have a matrix for which each row is a person and the columns represent the number of quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies t...

約12年 前


Return the largest number that is adjacent to a zero
This example comes from Steve Eddins' blog: <http://blogs.mathworks.com/steve/2009/05/27/learning-lessons-from-a-one-liner/ Lear...

約12年 前


Swap the first and last columns
Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becomes the first. All oth...

約12年 前
