Add Complex Page Numbers in Microsoft Word
This example adds a complex page number to footers in Microsoft® Word document. A complex number has the form [Chapter #][separator][Page#], for example, 7–1. You can add this type of number in a header or footer. You can do this using a template, by inserting a page number in a footer, and specifying the page number properties.
Whether you are using a template or a program, your template must use a multilevel list for the heading level that contains the chapter to reference. To create this type of list:
In your Word template, on the Home tab, click the Multilevel List button
Select the numbered heading item.
Apply the Normal style to the paragraph.
Save and close the template.
You can then use a program like this one to use the complex page number.
The ChapterStartStyle
and ChapterSeparator
properties on the PageNumber
object specify to use heading level 1
for the chapter number and an en-dash as a separator.
import mlreportgen.dom.*; d = Document('mypages','docx','numberChapters'); open(d); layout = d.CurrentPageLayout; % Page number formatting pgnum = PageNumber(1,'n'); pgnum.ChapterStartStyle = '1'; pgnum.ChapterSeparator = 'endash'; % Add page number object to page layout styles layout.Style = {pgnum}; % layout.Style = [layout.Style {pgnum}]; % Create the footer object and insert a page number myfooter = DOCXPageFooter(); para = Paragraph(); para.HAlign = 'center'; append(para,Page()); append(myfooter,para); % Set PageFooters on the current layout to your footer object layout.PageFooters = myfooter; % Create content for i=1:5 title = append(d,Heading1(['Chapter' num2str(i)])); title.Style = {PageBreakBefore}; for j=1:30 append(d,'This is the body of the chapter'); end end close(d); rptview(d.OutputPath);
Create a page layout for each chapter to restart numbering the pages for each chapter at 1.
See Also
| mlreportgen.dom.DOCXPageLayout
| mlreportgen.dom.DOCXPageFooter