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Class: matlabshared.targetsdk.Deployer
Namespace: matlabshared.targetsdk

Add a registered Toolchain to the Deployer object


toolchainObj = addNewToolchain(deployerObj,toolchainName)


toolchainObj = addNewToolchain(deployerObj,toolchainName) adds a registered Toolchain to the Deployer object and returns a handle to the Toolchain object.

Input Arguments

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The Deployer object that uses the registered Toolchain.

Name of a registered Toolchain available to Embedded Coder®. To get the list of available registered Toolchains, use the coder.make.getToolchains function.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

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A Toolchain object for your Target that calls a registered Toolchain.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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