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Sort rows of DataMatrix object in ascending or descending order


DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1)
DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, Column)
DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, 'RowName')
DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, ..., Mode)
[DMObjNew, Indices] = sortrows(DMObj1, ...)

Input Arguments


DataMatrix object, such as created by DataMatrix (object constructor).


One or more columns in DMObj1 by which to sort the rows. Choices are:

  • Positive integer

  • Vector of positive integers

  • Character vector or string specifying a column name

  • Cell array of character vectors or string vector specifying multiple column names

  • Logical vector


Character vector or string that specifies to sort the rows by the row names.


Character vector or string specifying the order by which to sort the rows. Choices are 'ascend' (default) or 'descend'.

Output Arguments


DataMatrix object created from sorting the rows of another DataMatrix object.


Index vector that links DMObj1 to DMObjNew. In other words, DMObjNew = DMObj1(idx,:).


DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1) sorts the rows in DMObj1 in ascending order based on the elements in the first column. For any rows that have equal elements in a column, sorting is based on the column immediately to the right.

DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, Column) sorts the rows in DMObj1 in ascending order based on the elements in the specified column. Any rows that have equal elements in the specified column are sorted based on the elements in the next specified column.

DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, 'RowName') sorts the rows in DMObj1 in ascending order according to the row names.

DMObjNew = sortrows(DMObj1, ..., Mode) specifies the order of the sort. Mode can be 'ascend' (default) or 'descend'.

[DMObjNew, Indices] = sortrows(DMObj1, ...) returns Indices, an index vector that links DMObj1 to DMObjNew. In other words, DMObjNew = DMObj1(idx,:).

Version History

Introduced in R2008b