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Class: bioma.ExpressionSet
Namespace: bioma

Retrieve or set abstract describing experiment in ExpressionSet object


Abstract = abstract(ESObj)
NewESObj = abstract(ESObj, NewAbstract)


Abstract = abstract(ESObj) returns a character vector containing the abstract information describing the experiment from a MIAME object in an ExpressionSet object.

NewESObj = abstract(ESObj, NewAbstract) replaces the abstract information in the MIAME object in ESObj, an ExpressionSet object, with NewAbstract, a character vector containing new abstract information, and returns NewESObj, a new ExpressionSet object.

Input Arguments


Object of the bioma.ExpressionSet class.


Character vector containing new abstract information.

Output Arguments


Character vector containing the abstract information describing the experiment from a MIAME object in an ExpressionSet object.


Object of the bioma.ExpressionSet class, returned after replacing the abstract information.


Construct an ExpressionSet object, ESObj, as described in the Examples section of the bioma.ExpressionSet class reference page. Retrieve the abstract information stored in the MIAME object stored in the ExpressionSet object:

% Retrieve abstract text from the MIAME object
Abstract = abstract(ESObj)
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