
Set defaults
Write a function that computes the volume of a cube. The function should be able to accept three inputs: the length, width, and...

12年弱 前


Function composition
Write a function that accepts two function handles f and g and returns the composition h. That is, h = (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)) ...

12年弱 前


Double Deal
*Description* Given an input vector _v_, return the first element as the first output, the second element as the second outpu...

12年弱 前


Reindex a vector
You are given two vectors of equal length. Vector N has numeric values (no Inf or NaN) while vector IDX has integers. Place th...

12年弱 前


Angle of triangle
For three unknown points a b c, given three sides ab bc ca, find three angles abc bca cab in radians. Your function should b...

12年弱 前


Return the Fibonacci Sequence
Write a code which returns the Fibonacci Sequence such that the largest value in the sequence is less than the input integer N. ...

12年弱 前


Parasitic numbers
Test whether the first input x is an n-parasitic number: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parasitic_number>. ( _n_ is the second in...

12年弱 前


Solve the set of simultaneous linear equations
Given this pair of simultaneous linear equations: 2x + 3y = 23 3x + 4y = 32 Find the solution set (x,y)

12年弱 前


surrounded matrix
With a given matrix A (size m x n) create a matrix B (size m+2 x n+2) so that the matrix A is surrounded by ones: A = [1 2 ...

12年弱 前


Number of toolboxes?
Return a number equal to the number of toolboxes available to the Cody solvers.

12年弱 前


Getting the row and column location from a matrix
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to get <http://www.mathwo...

12年弱 前


Back to basics 18 - justification
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given a string with extra spaces in front and/or in back, return...

12年弱 前


the return of the hackathon
You might have found a solution to our <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/205-hackathon-the-beginnings previo...

12年弱 前


Twins in a Window
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twin_primes Twin primes> are prime numbers that differ by 2, such as [11,13] or [41,43]. Write a f...

12年弱 前


Remove the small words from a list of words.
Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words ...

12年弱 前


Find state names that end with the letter A
Given a list of US states, remove all the states that end with the letter A. Example: Input s1 = 'Alabama Montana Nebras...

12年弱 前


Back to basics 2 - Function Path
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given a string that is the name of a MATLAB function, return a s...

12年弱 前


Getting logical indexes
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- Logical indexing works like this. thresh = 4...

12年弱 前


several cars (n) were involved in this collision, the input matrix (vm) has n rows and two columns, first column for velocity an...

12年弱 前


Back to basics 19 - character types
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return the number of punctuation characters in the input variabl...

12年弱 前


Getting the absolute index from a matrix
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to get the <http://www.ma...

12年弱 前


Find the "ordinary" or Euclidean distance between A and Z
A, B and Z define three points in the 3D _Euclidean_ space of the form: A = [x1;y1;0]; B = [x2;y2;0]; Z = [x2;y2;z]; Find th...

12年弱 前


Specific Element Count
Given a vector _v_ and a element _e_, return the number of occurrences of _e_ in _v_. Note: NaNs are equal and there may be n...

12年弱 前


Return unique values without sorting
If the input vector A is [42 1 1], the output value B must be the unique values [42 1] The *values of B are in the s...

12年弱 前


Tricky timing
Write a function that takes between 0.5 seconds and 0.6 seconds to run.

12年弱 前


Make an awesome ramp for a tiny motorcycle stuntman
Okay, given a vector, say v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 3 6 9 11 0; 6 9 ...

12年弱 前


middleAsColumn: Return all but first and last element as a column vector
Given input A, return all but the first and last elements, arranged as a column vector. (I.e., all dimensions after the first s...

12年弱 前


Replace Vector Elements
Replace all elements in a vector which are equal to or smaller than zero with 0.1. Example: A = [1 2 3 -1 0 2 -3 -80]; ...

12年弱 前


Matrix indexing with two vectors of indices
Given a matrix M and two index vectors a and b, return a row vector x where x(i) = M(a(i),b(i)).

12年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 8, Find largest product in a large string of numbers
Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in an n-digit number. 73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934...

12年弱 前
