
edge detection
write a function that gives the indexes of rising or falling edge x is a vector (assume it contains always at least one eleme...

12年弱 前


Find the repeating decimal pattern!
Write a function that takes one double input value and returns only the repeating decimal, if any, as a string. Only decimals f...

12年弱 前


Volume of a Parallelepiped
Calculate the volume of a Parallelepiped given the vectors for three edges that meet at one vertex. A cube is a special case ...

12年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

12年弱 前


Find the Kronecker Tensor Product without using KRON
The Kronecker Tensor Product is the result of multiplying all elements of a matrix with each of the elements of another matrix. ...

12年弱 前


function on a moving window
Create a function that applies an operation (such as @sum, @mean, @std, @norm etc) to a moving window of the data. First exam...

12年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 4, Palindromic numbers
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 ...

12年弱 前


Make a function that returns its own character count
Write a function that returns a 128 element vector with an accurate inventory of the ASCII characters in its own function file. ...

12年弱 前


Parse string and identify specific string sequence in algebraic equation
Given a string S that defines an algebraic expression such as: S= 'X= A1 + A2*(Y1 + A3*Y3)*exp( A4*Y12 + Y1) ;' return a...

12年弱 前


Fizz Buzz
Given an array of positive, non-zero, integers, return a cell array of strings the same size as the input, where each element in...

12年弱 前


What are the odds?
Two numbers, A and B are drawn randomly and uniformly on [-R,R]. What is the probability that A*B < A+B. Your function should ...

12年弱 前


* Suppose there is a vector v like [1 0 0 -1], representing polynomial coefficients. * In this example, the polynimial is 1*x^3...

12年弱 前


Implement a counter
Write a function that returns a function that counts the number of times it is invoked. Example: >> h = counter; >> h() ...

12年弱 前


count any radix?
given radix r(2-9), digts d(1-4), give all possible strings in sorted order. for example, if r=2, d=2, then output {'00' '01' '1...

12年弱 前


What digit is it?
The function you are being asked to write will take three numbers (n,x,q) as input. The object of the function is to determine ...

12年弱 前


Create a dictionary
The goal is to write a function that returns a dictionary from a list of words or phrases and their definitions. Here is an exam...

12年弱 前


Monte-Carlo integration
Write a function that estimates a d-dimensional integral to at least 1% relative precision. Inputs: * d: positive integer....

12年弱 前


Proper Factors
Generate the proper factors of input integer _x_ and return them in ascending order. For more information on proper factors, ref...

12年弱 前


Kaprekar numbers
Test if the input is a Kaprekar number: <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/KaprekarNumber.html>. Return a logical true or false. ...

12年弱 前


N-Cards Problem
You have a deck of _N_ cards numbered in order from 1 to _N_. You discard the top card (card 1) and place the next card (card 2)...

12年弱 前


Number of Horns on a unicorn!
Calculate the number of horns on a *unicorn*! And I'm talking about a unicorn with not more than one horn on it!

12年弱 前


Wilf-Zeilberger pairs
Take as inputs two functions _F_ and _G_, and two scalar values _n_ and _k_. Test whether the functions are candidates to be a W...

12年弱 前


Figurate number triangle
Check whether the input matrix is a figurate number triangle: <http://mathworld.wolfram.com/FigurateNumberTriangle.html>

12年弱 前


Equidistant numbers containing certain value in an interval
Given a lower and upper bound of an interval, distance between numbers, and one particular number from that interval, create an ...

12年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 2, Sum of even Fibonacci
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 te...

12年弱 前


Minefield Sonar
*Background* In mine-hunting games (e.g. Microsoft Minesweeper), the user is provided with a covered grid that, upon a left c...

12年弱 前


Filter values in a vector
Cody often benefits from a functional style of programming. For example, your score is often better when you compose multiple fu...

12年弱 前


Find Rotated Substring
Given a string s1, find if a rotated version of s1 is present in a second string s2. For example, rotated version of some str...

12年弱 前


Check to see if a Sudoku Puzzle is Solved
*Description:* Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make a function that checks to see if a 9x9 matrix of integer...

12年弱 前


Solve the Sudoku Row
*Description* A simple yet tedious task occurs near the end of most Sudoku-solving algorithms, computerized or manual. The ta...

12年弱 前
