Save data from Simulink Outports with Bus Object Data Types
Hello Eric, As I understand, you are trying to log the output of the Out2 outport in your model which as a custom bus type. U...

約8年 前 | 0

What are the most relevant/ recommended HVAC related model blocks if there are any?
Hello Haben, As I understand, you are looking for a recommendation for HVAC system design. One possibility is to use the Sims...

約8年 前 | 0

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How can I delete a BLDC motor driver block of which the library link has been broken?
Hello Jorrit, As I understand, you have a Brushless DC Motor Drive block that you have modified and broken the library link t...

約8年 前 | 0

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Do checks in Model Advisor which do not have paths work?
Hello Anastasiia, As I understand, you are wondering if the High-Integrity Modeling Guideline hisl_0012 is included in the Mo...

約8年 前 | 0

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I have a matrix 6*2 as following (UNDER THE PLOT), after plotting them i get what you see in the figure. so how can i extract data points in new matrix with fixed increment inYaxis(for example of value 0.1 increment )without change Zvalue for curves
Hello Faez, From your description it sounds like you would like to interpolate the value of the line at a point that is not d...

約8年 前 | 0

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Using single or int16 variables instead of double for Cplex in Matlab
Hello Milad, As I understand you are trying to pass int16 and single data types to the IBM CPLEX solver from MATLAB. As far a...

約8年 前 | 0

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how can i make loop run faster?
Hello Ekin, As I understand you are trying to eliminate your for-loop so that your code will run faster but are unable to vec...

約8年 前 | 0

"undefined function or variable XXXX"
Hello Suhas, The most likely cause of this is that you have a variable that was previously defined in the workspace but has s...

約8年 前 | 0

Simulink model without stop/terminate condition, how do I add one or other alternatives?
Hello Simon, It is my understanding that you are trying to stop the Simulation after the video has finished and all of the im...

約8年 前 | 1

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How can I fix conflicting "main" functions that prevent Code Prover analysis from completing?
Hello, You were on the right track by removing one of the main functions since it is not allowed to have more than one. Also,...

約8年 前 | 0

Problems with GJR-GARCH/EGARCH estimation with fmincon (sqp)
Hi Duarte, It is true that the log-likelihood surface of GJR and EGARCH are not a globally smooth function like y = x^2. T...

8年以上 前 | 0

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How can I change the properties of IGBT models of "pe_igbt_losses" in Simscape ?
Hi Hiroshi, If I understand correctly, you are trying to access the properties of "IGBT" Simscape block. When you open up the...

8年以上 前 | 0

low pass filter for image analysis
Hi, It seems you have an error in your code. The following line: I5=I3*mf; Should be: I5=I3.*mf; After making...

8年以上 前 | 0

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How to cut off the useless part of a recording?
Hi Valerio, In addition to the post you mentioned, the following answers post discusses removing unvoiced/silence regions fro...

8年以上 前 | 1

Is there CMA-ES implementation that can deal with a mixed integer problem and run parallel evaluations of the objective function?
Hi Jorge, I work for MathWorks and I have forwarded this enhancement request to the appropriate product team. They might cons...

8年以上 前 | 0

MATLAB R2016a in Windows 10 becomes unresponsive after publish to html.
Hi Chris, A possible solution to this issue of the publish being unresponsive is to increase the Java Heap size in preference...

8年以上 前 | 0

How can I use horizontal zoom selector in my function?
Hi Caike, As I understand, you are trying to get some information from the graph when you zoom horizontally. One possible way...

8年以上 前 | 0

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How do I install Matlab 2016a in my new computer?
Hi Emillio, Your license is attached to your MathWorks account typically. You can download R2016a from the following link: <...

8年以上 前 | 1

How to update x from ode45 result y? how to see the plot of y from t = 0 to the end of simulation?
Hi Ming, There are a few issues with the code that you provided. 1. The value of "T" is undefined on the following line of...

8年以上 前 | 0

how to get the specific model name/ extention(.mdl) from a folder which has count less depths?
Hi Sudhakar, In MATLAB R2016b you can use the "dir" function as follows: >> list = [dir('**/*.sldd'); dir('**/*.h')] ...

8年以上 前 | 0

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Is it possible to create a standalone application using App Designer that utilises parallel pooling?
Hello Joshua, According to MathWorks documentation found here: <http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/supported/compi...

8年以上 前 | 0

How to get MATLAB R2015a to use Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Community for mex?
Hell Raghu, In MATLAB R2015a, Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Community is not supported. The professional version, however, is sup...

8年以上 前 | 0

how to make syntax highlight function names with bold ?
Hello, I work for MathWorks and currently there is no supported way highlight function names in the MATLAB environment. I ...

8年以上 前 | 2

I want to create a function best_attribute = findbestattribute(x1,x2,x3,x4) and I want x1, x2, x3 and x4 to be whole columns. How can I do this?
Hi Kunal, As I understand, you are trying to create a function in MATLAB. Please consult the documentation for the syntax of ...

8年以上 前 | 0

What is the best matlab data structure to represent a decision tree?
Hi Kunal, MATLAB offers several resources more creating data structures such as a tree. Some useful resources I can suggest a...

8年以上 前 | 0

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I want to construct three tests.
Hi Kunal, As I understand, you are trying to compare a scalar value with a column vector. Consider the following example wher...

8年以上 前 | 0

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LDV data Interpolating to equally spaced points
Hello Sayeed, You could use the "interp1" function to interpolate your data set over equal spaced time steps. The documentati...

8年以上 前 | 0

Moving Vertices in a Voronoi diagram and updating
Hello, In order to animate moving the vertices in a Voronoi diagram you can return the vertices from the "voronoi" function a...

8年以上 前 | 0

Integrate over range of a vector using trapz
Hello Konstantin, The reason that you receive such a small number when you execute the following code: trapz(Loss,pdfL) ...

8年以上 前 | 0

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why is it taking so long to open .mat files from 2014b using 2016a?
Hello, The version that the .MAT file is saved in does influence the performance. Refer to documentation @George mentioned in...

8年以上 前 | 0
