How to force a variable to a value in Simscape language?
As long as x.der and v.der are valid variables containing a scalar values or array, the '>' operator should work. With your code...

約8年 前 | 0

High CPU usage at idle (R2016b)
It is hard to tell the cause of this behavior without information about your system or whether some code is running. Here are...

約8年 前 | 0

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Can anyone explain how MinPeakProminence works in findpeaks?
'MinPeakProminence' is used when you want to return only those peaks that have a minimum relative importance of the value speci...

約8年 前 | 1

Error in iterative graphs if I close figure window between graphing requests
The reason that you get an error is because you are trying to modify the handle that has already been deleted (when the user clo...

約8年 前 | 0

Simulink raspberry pi bluetooth
The Simulink Hardware Support Package does not explicitly provide a block to connect to the Pi via. Bluetooth. However, there ar...

約8年 前 | 0

Coder matrix size limitation
As of today, this restriction still exist. There are some workarounds that you can consider: 1. Generate a static or dynam...

約8年 前 | 0

What does this Simulink Modelerror "Compiling the model failed : mech2 InvalidReplacement" mean (and what can I do about it)?
This error is very generic and happens during compilation of some Simscape blocks where Simulink tries to replace a certain bloc...

約8年 前 | 0

How to convert a function handle to a integer
As long as your function handle returns a valid value, you should be able to typecast it into any kind of integer. For examp...

約8年 前 | 0

Matlab MIDI note value input not working, but control values are working
As the following link mentions, you should start MATLAB *after* you have connected your MIDI device: <https://www.mathworks.c...

約8年 前 | 1

Why can't Simulink real time find the FAT32 partition on my computer ?
These error messages can occur for multiple reasons. If your target PC has multiple partitions, you'll need a boot manager to ch...

約8年 前 | 0

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minGW is not correctly installed
If the compiler is successfully installed using the Add-Ons, the following command should list the MinGW Compiler: >> matla...

約8年 前 | 1

How to train SVM classifier to detect objects
Here is the documentation link to help you get started: <https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/classificationsvm-class.html> ...

約8年 前 | 1

Removing noise along and within range Frequency
The 'wname' is the name of wavelet from the Wavelet Toolbox. http://www.mathworks.com/help/wavelet/ref/cmddenoise.html#inputarg...

約8年 前 | 0

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How to plot points in pixel coordinates?
Hi, You get different size of printed image possibly because the axes are printed as well. In your code you are setting the ...

約8年 前 | 2

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Fmincon with different objective function in line search
It is possible to pass extra parameters to the objective function and nonlinear constraint functions. Refer to <https://www.math...

8年以上 前 | 0

Morse Code Decoding from its spectrum
Daniel's answer sums it up. Using Short Time Fourier Transform makes much more sense as Daniel mentioned in his answer. If you w...

8年以上 前 | 0

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