How to capture whole app.UIFigure with exportapp?
you could try to temporarly increase the figure size, export it and restore old behavior %% create ui figure with three but...

約1年 前 | 0

Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 1.
you can initialize your array before the loop a1=0.7;a2=0.1; omega1=20;omega2=40; G=10;C12=0;C21=0.003; dt=0.01; %step siz...

約1年 前 | 0

How to extract data from a table format HTML?
without digging deeper into html, we can use just text seach: d=webread('http://www.knapsackfamily.com/knapsack_core/informatio...

約1年 前 | 1

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How to ensure that a MATLAB executable can communicate with NI Data Acquisition Cards
Dear community, I want to create a small Matlab GUI which can handle NI DAQ devices. Later, I want to compile my application to...

約1年 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0



How to interpolate a set of data wher the X size is different for the Y size
you can usw meshgrid to prepare your xq and yq: Y=9:13;X=1:2:5;Z=rand(5,3); [xq,yq]=meshgrid(1:0.5:5,9:0.5:13); inter...

1年以上 前 | 0

Find number in vector

1年以上 前 | 1

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Reading uint8 from raw data takes much more RAM then expected
I am trying to read some MB of data from big files of several GB. I am using the follwing code: fid=fopen(filename,'r'); fseek...

1年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0



Help in 2D plot of coefficients
why not use normal plot command? RealCoefficient= [0.0723, -11.0000, 0.001, 0.0011, 0.0012, 0.0013, 0.0014, 0.0015, 0.0016, 0.0...

1年以上 前 | 0

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audioDeviceReader: error when choosing ASIO driver for input mic
Dear community, I have an error when I want to choose the Device for the audio device reader interactively. Altough the String ...

1年以上 前 | 1 件の回答 | 0



open software and run script via command line
without looking into the detail, you have to chain commands in the system commands using a & sign also: use the output argument...

1年以上 前 | 1

How to put subscript in uilabel text and can I specify location on same line?
for subscript, use other text interpreters, e.g. tex uilabel("Text","K_a","HorizontalAlignment","center",'Interpreter','tex'); ...

1年以上 前 | 1

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Smoothing curve plot with some data points
x = [-27.59;-32.36;-32.36;-24.99;-25.12;-32.62;-37.62;-42.62;-37.62;-37.62;-40.11;-40.11;-37.61;-33.36;-29.11;-27.11;-25.11;-20....

1年以上 前 | 0

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Is it possible to use vertcat with dot notation?
if you just want to have all file names available, you could use { } e.g. in a cell array {filename.name} if you do not need ...

1年以上 前 | 1

Action on close of spectrumAnalyzer() object/windows
alright, I now got it. we can close and open the scope Window using show(scope) and hide(scope) und we can check if the scope wi...

1年以上 前 | 0

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Action on close of spectrumAnalyzer() object/windows
my insight so far: I have seen, that a new Process is created, and the Window Name has the title "Spectrum Analyzer". we could ...

1年以上 前 | 0

How to plot two .fig file as subplots in a new figure window ?
here a kind of manual solution, adapted from the function given on file exchange: h(1) = openfig('fog.fig','invisible'); ax(1)...

1年以上 前 | 0

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matrix per minute in plot per hour
you mean something like that? or do you want another format? plot((1:96)/4,rand(96,1)); xticks(0:3:24) xlim([0 24]); xlabel(...

1年以上 前 | 0

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How to save a high resolution image in MTALB?
exportgraphics() is available since 2020a which release are you using?

1年以上 前 | 0

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How do I make a specific range of numbers and increment?
use colon operator T=100:50:500

1年以上 前 | 0

Buffer around a value in a matrix.
A=[ 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0]; B=imfilter(A,ones(3...

1年以上 前 | 0

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efficient way of importing excel sheet
if you activate MultiSelect in uigetfile, you can select more than one file. The resulting variables are then cell arrays with t...

1年以上 前 | 0


Action on close of spectrumAnalyzer() object/windows
Dear community, at the moment I am preparing for some real time processing on audio recordings. I want to end the inifinite rec...

1年以上 前 | 2 件の回答 | 0



How to sort a part of a given array?
just use indexing to reassign those numbers data=20:-1:1 data(1:5)=sort(data(1:5),'ascend')

1年以上 前 | 0

how to create different matrices?
you could split them into multiple 400x1 vectors by this data=rand(30000,1); data=reshape(data,400,1,[]); size(data) you can...

1年以上 前 | 1

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Summing the values with looping
you could generate all values you asked for with a single expression. if you want the sum until a specific n, use cumsum() on th...

1年以上 前 | 0

How can I draw contour lines with a given excel Data sheet
you mean something like that? mtx=readmatrix('F_22_Project Data.xlsx','Range','D9:V32'); contour(0:20:360,0:20:460,mtx)

1年以上 前 | 0

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i want to know the fitness
i guess you are seraching for the correlation of X and Y coordinates see corr() and corrplot()

1年以上 前 | 0

How do I plot grid points in a wedge-shaped volume?
you could add the third dimension like that: x=-6:6; [X,Y,Z]=meshgrid(x); r=5; phi=pi/2; % from [0,pi] theta=pi/4; % ...

1年以上 前 | 0

MATLAB 2022b removing spaces from strings in concatenation?
"For character array inputs, strcat removes trailing ASCII whitespace characters: space, tab, vertical tab, newline, carriage re...

1年以上 前 | 1

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How can i find the Majoraxislength and Minoraxislength of each cell present in binary image ?
a call to regionprops should suffice: clear; im=imread("image.png"); im=rgb2gray(im); % to grayscale im=im~=0; % make bina...

1年以上 前 | 0

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