
Elements with highest local average
Input v is a row vector such that length(v)>3. Consider a sliding window of length 3 that is used to calculate the local average...

10年以上 前


Replace Nonzero Numbers with 1
Given the matrix x, return the matrix y with non zero elements replaced with 1. Example: Input x = [ 1 2 0 0 0 ...

10年以上 前


Reverse the input
Given an input (n), produce an output in the reverse order with out using string variables or string function. Example x ...

10年以上 前


Sum of the Matrix Elements
Add up all the elements in a NxM matrix where N signifies the number of the rows and M signifies the number of the columns. E...

10年以上 前


Vector Magnitude Calculator
'a' is a vector that starts at the origin and ends at (x, y). Find ||a||. Hint: It is as simple as "ABC".

10年以上 前


Find the dimensions of a matrix
Just find the number of columns of the given matrix. Example x = [1 2 3 4 5 6] y = 2

10年以上 前


Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Calculate the Celsius temperature C given the Fahrenheit temperature F. Examples: Input F = 90 Output C is 32.22 I...

10年以上 前


counting groups!
This problem is about counting groups. Example If you have x: x = [0.8 0.8 0.8 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.9] then a...

10年以上 前


Sum of the pixel values for the blue color
Calculate the sum of the pixel values for the blue color, with a picture as an input. *NOTE:* The picture will be provided as...

10年以上 前


Speed of light:Experiment
in 1849, Fizeau set up an experiment to measure the speed of light. The discription of this experiment can be found on wikipedi...

10年以上 前


Hard limit function
Classify x data as if x>=0 then y=1 if x<0 then y=0 Example x = [ -2 -1 0 1 2] y = [ 0 0 1 1 1]

10年以上 前


Positive Infinity
Round the array a towards positive infinity

10年以上 前


Negative Infinity
Round the given array a towards negative infinity.

10年以上 前


Concatenate a successive power matrix in a column matrix
Generate F = [M1 M^2 ... M^p] with M a matrix, without using for.

10年以上 前


Polynomial Multiplication
Multiply two polynomial equation.Given polynomial coefficients a and b.

10年以上 前


Find out the roots of a given polynomial equation.Given are the coefficients of the equation.

10年以上 前


Evaluate Polynomial
Given a polynomial equation coefficients in a vector p, you have to return its value at x. Example: For inputs p and x ...

10年以上 前


Distances in a circle
A circle (360°) is given and a row of 6 monotonic increasing numbers with the which difference from last to first value is les...

10年以上 前


Largest territory
Determine whose territory is largest. If there are two more large territory, determine a smaller number. For example, X ...

10年以上 前


Multiply two numbers in a different manner. The numbers are given to you as vectors x and y. Example x = [ 1 2 0 1 ] ...

10年以上 前


ベクトル [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] の作成
MATLABでは,角括弧の中に要素を入れることで、ベクトルを作成できる。 x = [1 2 3 4] また次のようにも書ける(コンマはオプション)。 x = [1, 2, 3, 4] 問題:次のベクトルを出力する関数を作成せよ。...

10年以上 前


Reverse within string
If input is a string 'yellow' the output should be 'leywol'. Locate the middle of the string and reverse the first (yel) and sec...

10年以上 前


2倍してみよう - ここからスタート!
初めにこの問題を試してみよう。 入力としてxを与え、それを2倍して結果をyに代入せよ。 Examples: Input x = 2 Output y is 4 Input x = 17 Output y is 34 ...

10年以上 前


interesting center of magic matrix
output the centre of magic matrix of n input=7; output=25

10年以上 前


reverse string
input='rama' output='amar'

10年以上 前


ascii value
let input='a' output=97

10年以上 前


execute the declaration in strings and return value
execute the commands in strings and return value input='a=23' output=23

10年以上 前


Alternately upper-lower case
Alternately upper-lower case Let s='achyuta' output='AcHyUtA'

10年以上 前


most frequent character
Obtain most frequent character Let s='balaram'; output='a';

10年以上 前


union without repitition
Let a = [9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 4 2 1] b = [1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10] Output should be [9 8...

10年以上 前
