How to do numerical multiple integral (more than triple) by using matlab?
You can eliminate the variables one by one until you feel comfortable. You can make down to 3 or 2 or 1 variable before final in...

約10年 前 | 1

Matlab Triple Integration Error. Thank You
Replace out2 by out2 = integral3(yi, 0, Inf , 0, @(u3) u3 , 0, @(u3,u2) u2) If you want to use function handles as the ...

約10年 前 | 1

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Randomly create lower and upper of matrix separately.
l = tril(rand(m,n),-1); % lower triangle u = triu(rand(m,n),1); % upper triangle d = diag(rand(1,m),0); % diagonal eleme...

約10年 前 | 2

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How to rotate cube in MATLAB.?
Add the following lines of code at the bottom of your code: roll = -0.3064; pitch = -1.2258; yaw = 9.8066; dcm = angle2d...

約10年 前 | 2

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How can i change values for my data in plot axis?
Replace t in plot by t/3600, that converts t from second to hour Add a text command with appropriate coordinate of the locati...

約10年 前 | 2

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comparing matrix elements in order
A = [2000 500 300 300 1]'; A1 = sort(A,'descend'); if sum(A==A1)==length(A) disp('in order') else disp('not in...

約10年 前 | 2

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Make one big string out of two smaller strings
If you have two small strings, like 'a' and 'b', return them put together like 'ab'. 'a' and 'b' => 'ab' For extra ...

約10年 前


Determine whether a vector is monotonically increasing
Return true if the elements of the input vector increase monotonically (i.e. each element is larger than the previous). Return f...

約10年 前

the number of occurences of each character of one string,in another

約10年 前 | 1

Constructing an approximate periodical function x(t) giving its Fourier series coefficient?
You can use a vectorized code to get the periodic signal: f0 = 1; % set the frequency of desired signal t = 0:0.01:8; ...

約10年 前 | 1

Confusion Matrix Results Issue
The input arguments of confusion, (in this case, outputs and predictedOutput) should be in range of [0 1]. So, instead of 100 an...

約10年 前 | 1

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how to sparse represent a image?
Convert a to double first, and the use that in sparse. Make sure that a is not in 3D, if so, then make it 2D before using in spa...

約10年 前 | 2

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error with gmail sending
Make sure you are using some lines of code before using sendmail function: UserName = 'yourmail@gmail.com'; passWord = '...

約10年 前 | 2

matrix operaions sums multiplications
It seems that A(:,3:end) are never used. If that is the case, then you can simply use a for loop: for k = 1:size(B,1) ...

約10年 前 | 1

Selection of priority data
data=[3;4;8;NaN;NaN;NaN;7;4;3;NaN;NaN;2;3;NaN;9]; findNaN = find(isnan(data)); first = findNaN(1); numb...

約10年 前 | 1

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selecting the last 60 rows in a matrix with an uncertain number of rows
last60rows = a(end-59:end,:)

約10年 前 | 2

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I wanna define function which has flexible number of argument.
function out = F(varargin) % do stuffs % y = varargin{1}+varargin{2} % out = y+1; etc. For flexible number of...

約10年 前 | 1

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Element to element Array Multiplication with all answers.
c = bsxfun(@times,a,B1) out = sum(c,2)

約10年 前 | 1

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GUI I want to take datas from a struct into my listbox
There are multiple ways to do so. One of them: I assume you have a pushbutton to display in the names in the listbox. And if so,...

約10年 前 | 1

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How to get only those output values which lie under a given curve!
Perhaps, you unconsciously mistyped the x coordinate of third point. I use 3800 instead of 2100, but use what the actual value i...

約10年 前 | 1

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find power of signal
In time domain: for discrete signal x(n) Instantaneous power = |x(n)|^2 Average power = (1/N) * sum(|x(n)|.^2) N = data...

約10年 前 | 2

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Image types and matrix multiplication
I guess I=Lena? And, T = load('Wav.mat'); % the .mat file you uploaded T1 = T.T1; ? If yes, then replace inverse ...

約10年 前 | 1

Cumnwise multiplication between a matrix and a vector.
A = [1 2 3; 7 2 4; 2 0 4] B = [1 2 3] C = bsxfun(@times,A,B)

約10年 前 | 1

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How to concatenate string vectors of unequal length?
v1 = {'a' 'b' 'c'}'; v2 = {'d'}'; v3 = {'e' 'f'}'; Lv1 = length(v1); Lv2 = length(v2); Lv3 = length(v3); n = max([...

約10年 前 | 1

How to clear data from plot in matlab GUI, but then re-plot it without re-running the GUI
Use cla under the Callback function of your button. Don't use *clear all* command, as it clears all variables. Examples: cl...

約10年 前 | 2

I have a circuit that I want to gain its transfer function.I've attached a JPG file.
Input voltage (across left C) = Vi Output voltage (across right C) = Vo Apply voltage divider rule in RL and C (at right) ...

約10年 前 | 1

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Finding peaks in data based on certain threshold
Once I had to write a function for this type of problem in on of my projects. Seeing your question here, I have uploaded that fi...

約10年 前 | 2

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How can I substitute a variable?
a= 5; syms x y = a*sin(x).^2 ./(sin(x) + cos(x)); subs ( y,{x},{2} )

約10年 前 | 1

Count the index of the array
A=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 15 0 17]; sum(A>0)

約10年 前 | 2

integration of FFT
K_fourier is double type in your code. int cannot take double type as the function. @ Thorsten: int performs all symbolic, de...

約10年 前 | 1
