Using loops to populate a vector
If you really need to use a for loop, this is how you could do it. for i=1:size(A,1) B(i,1)=A(i,1); end However, ...

約9年 前 | 0

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i want to create a array structure using one,zero,eye
D=[3*eye(3),[2*ones(2);zeros(1,2)]] You can do it in one line as seen here.

約9年 前 | 1

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negative angle between vectors / planes
In order to determine if the angle between two vectors is positive or not, there would have to be a reference normal plane vecto...

約9年 前 | 0

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is this toolbox really available in MATLAB?
If you are talking about the SDF toolbox in your picture, this is not a toolbox offered by MathWorks as verified on their Produc...

約9年 前 | 0

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