Partial transparent surface plot
Play with Chart Surface Options: <https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/chartsurface-properties.html> You can set |Alpha...

約8年 前 | 0

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How to make a curve smooth in spline block
If you want to approximate a set of points by a smooth curve you need a *smoothing spline*, not just a *spline*. Moreover, in yo...

約8年 前 | 0

Discard elements from structure array
There is a specific function to remove a field from a structure: <https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/rmfield.html rmfield>...

約8年 前 | 0

Display values with fprintf
Here it is ret = 0.000065003; std = 0.0207; fprintf('The return is %.4e and the standard deviation is %.4f \n',ret,st...

約8年 前 | 1

How do I integrate this set of matrix data points
You just need one |for| loop as |trapz| operates also on matrices. This is the piece of code: A = rand(32); B = zeros(32...

約8年 前 | 0

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Multiple .txt input files
Use |dir| function to list files with .txt extension %list folder files files = dir('*.txt'); and put your code in...

約8年 前 | 1

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Cross correlation Between two matrices row by row
There are some issues in your code. # |crosscorr| function requires two vector inputs. |Ain01_correct(i,2)| it is not (it is ...

約8年 前 | 0

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Please help me in generating a random string(row vector) in which each element has a different upper bound.
The useful way is U = [2,3,4,5,7]; A = arrayfun( @(x) randi([0,x]) , U ) but, if upper-bounds are 1-digit numbers, y...

約8年 前 | 0

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How to display and delete different line in graph when checkbox check and uncheck
Yuo may find it useful reading these tutorials <https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/creating_guis/about-the-simple-guide-gui-ex...

約8年 前 | 0

Error: Undefined function <func_name> for input arguments of type 'double'.
Refer to your 2nd line of code fhd = str2func('f1'); The string |'f1'| evaluates to nothing in Matlab, therefore the com...

約8年 前 | 0

How do i represent a set of clusters points in scatter plot?
Hi, what you need is exactly Matlab <https://it.mathworks.com/help/stats/gscatter.html GSCATTER> function. Check out the help pa...

約8年 前 | 0

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How to plot a mean value as a function of specific value pairs ?
First, notice that in Matlab |a=[ [1 2], [2 3], [4 5] ]| equals |a=[1,2,2,3,4,5]|. I guess, you meant to associate each entry of...

約8年 前 | 0

Binary file reader using fread function
The |fread| function read data in binary format, thus sequences of 0s and 1s. Therefore, you can read raw data just as a sequenc...

約8年 前 | 1

How to plot a function file
Check out the |stairs| function <https://it.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/stairs.html>

約8年 前 | 0

Why is probplot not plotting the reference line for one matrix column?
The problem is not due to -0 (which is the same as 0). It seems that your data in the first column are not even close to be Gaus...

約8年 前 | 1

3D surface plot from for loop
Most probably you don't want to plot a surface, instead a plot of a line in a 3D space. Try this: plot3(ang,Lp,d); grid on;...

約8年 前 | 0

How to detect & remove steps from signal?
Differentiate your signal (function |diff| in Matlab). The steps are located at points where first derivative is very high. Once...

約8年 前 | 0

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Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 5)
You are analyzing a train timetable (you have some time to kill since you just missed your train!) How many trains depart each d...

約8年 前


Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 4)
You are analyzing a train timetable (you have some time to kill since you just missed your train!) What is the average daily tri...

約8年 前


Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 3)
Oh no, you missed your train to Boston (again?)! How many times can you miss that train today? (In other words, how many Boston ...

約8年 前


Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 2)
Oh no, you missed your train to Boston! Find the departure time of the next available train by analyzing the train timetable. Yo...

約8年 前


Use a timetable to analyze a train timetable (Part 1)
Oh no, you missed your train to Boston! Find the departure time of the next available train by analyzing the train timetable. Th...

約8年 前


When Was That Goal Scored?
We want to find out when the goals were scored in a particular soccer game. For each game, we are given a "Goal Event Data" XML ...

約8年 前


Words Count: A Cell Array Approach
Given an input character vector consisting of words, punctuation marks, white spaces, and possibly newline characters (\n), arra...

約8年 前


String Array Basics, Part 4: Convert String Array with Missing Values to Cell Array
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

約8年 前


String Array Basics, Part 2: Convert String Array to Cell Array; No Missing Values
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

約8年 前


String Array Basics, Part 1: Convert Cell Array to String Array; No Missing Values
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/characters-and-strings.html String array> and cell array are two types of containers for s...

約8年 前


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 3)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. Each of the addresses lacks a space and a comma ...

約8年 前


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 1)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. Can you remove the latitude and longitude from the...

約8年 前


Use R2016b Text Manipulations to Fix These Addresses (Part 2)
We have a series of addresses like the following which we'd like to reformat. All the addresses are in the Boston area of Mass...

約8年 前
