Arduino Temperature Sensor with buttons
If you need your code to be deployed to the Arduino and work independent of PC, then use Simulink Support Package for Arduino. I...

5年以上 前 | 0

Servo Library with Simulink and Arduino
This video has some relevant items - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoj8Pa2wi0A but needs to be adapted for your case

5年以上 前 | 0

No connection to mkr1000 board.
Try putting the Arduino in bootloader mode before downloading the Simulink model and also make Simulink automatically set COM po...

5年以上 前 | 0

How do i plot ECG sensor data from arduino to ECG graph using matlab?
Here are my thoughts on this topic and unfortunately I am not a subject matter expert on this. https://www.mathworks.com/video...

5年以上 前 | 0

How do i plot ECG sensor data from arduino to ECG graph using matlab?
You can search through the MATLAB File Exchange to see if there are pre-existing libraries that you can use. If not, you will ha...

5年以上 前 | 0

I want to add two pulse generator in simulink and dump it into arduino uno...the result i am getting is change in the frequency at arduino output what i have set in pulse generator?
Here is what I think is going on - the model is overrunning itself as the sample time for model is small (0.000625 or 1600 Hz). ...

5年以上 前 | 0

I want to add two pulse generator in simulink and dump it into arduino uno...the result i am getting is change in the frequency at arduino output what i have set in pulse generator?
Here is what I would recommend - 1) Create a new Simulation only model and put two pulse generators both with a sampling perio...

5年以上 前 | 1

I want to add two pulse generator in simulink and dump it into arduino uno...the result i am getting is change in the frequency at arduino output what i have set in pulse generator?
The correct way would be to have one pulse generator with period 0.02 seconds and appropriate Pulse Width. Adding two blocks doe...

5年以上 前 | 0

| 採用済み

HC-SR04 library listArduinoLibraries is not showing it.
Have you tried using this? - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/57898-hc-sr04-add-on-library-for-arduino Ple...

5年以上 前 | 0

Install Arduino uno offline
Does this help - https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/293235-how-do-i-download-hardware-support-packages-and-optional...

5年以上 前 | 0

I need help about my arduino LED project
There is a warning/error on MATLAB - that MATLAB experienced a low-level ... I suspect that has something to do with the Sco...

5年以上 前 | 0

how read acceleration data for BNO055
This sensor is supported in the Simulink support package for Arduino - https://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/arduino/ref/bno...

5年以上 前 | 1

Can anyone help me please ?
If you tried those instructions and are getting the same error, try the Set host COM port option to Automatically in the same pa...

5年以上 前 | 0

How to make a step function from 2 volts to 2.5 volts in matlab using Arduino? (without Simulink and step matlab function itself)
What if you changed your code to the following - clc clear all a = arduino; writePWMVoltage(a,'D5',2); for k = 1:1000 ...

5年以上 前 | 1

| 採用済み

Can't get my Matlab and Simulink license
You can check if that process went through correctly to create your license or not, by going to your accounts page. 1) Log i...

5年以上 前 | 2

| 採用済み

How to filter ECG signal from an Arduino in real-time using Simulink?
https://www.mathworks.com/videos/how-to-build-a-heart-rate-detector-using-arduino-and-matlab-1520412607264.html This example...

5年以上 前 | 1

Are Dutch Secondary School eligible for student licences?
https://www.mathworks.com/academia/highschool.html This license might be a better fit for primary and secondary schools as the...

5年以上 前 | 0

analog Encoder in Matlab and arduino
Just go ahead and connect the encoder outs to digital pins that you have access to. Then use rotaryEncoder function on those dig...

5年以上 前 | 2

| 採用済み

analog Encoder in Matlab and arduino
The rotaryEncoder function is only going to work with quadrature encoders as noted in the documentation. It seems to me like th...

5年以上 前 | 1

How to interface MATLAB with Dynamixel motors through Arduino?
There are guides on this page that shows how to create custom add-ons based on existing libraries - https://www.mathworks.com/he...

5年以上 前 | 0

How to save voltage data as a array in Matlab, using a Arduino MEGA 2560 board?
Let's say you know how long of a vector you need, then use indexing. Example - for i = 1:100 data(i) = readVoltage(a,'A9');...

5年以上 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Arduino Due error in Matlab
Try the following and post any error messages that you get - a = arduino('COM#','Due','TraceOn',true) Remember the COM# s...

5年以上 前 | 2

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encoder velocity (counts/s) remains zero in serial monitor whereas encoder position (# counts) is running properly
What version of Arduino IDE are you testing these from?

5年以上 前 | 0

Can help me please ?
This video uses R2015a https://www.mathworks.com/videos/using-simulink-to-program-a-boe-bot-100740.html Remember to download...

5年以上 前 | 0

Can help me please ?
Is the confusion because Deploy to Hardware button is called Build model in yours? This could be because your model is not yet c...

5年以上 前 | 0

Set Arduino IDE path
To set your expectations correctly, MATLAB Support package attempts to install its own Arduino IDE which is 1.8.1 and that is th...

5年以上 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Installing MKRMotorCarrier and Arduino Libraries - failed Matlab Arduino package
Attempt reinstalling the MATLAB and Simulink Support Package for Arduino with MATLAB opened as administrator. You can right clic...

5年以上 前 | 0

Error when use Shift register and other libraries of arduino in Matlab
shiftOut is an Arduino IDE function and there is not a one-to-one match for this function included in the default MATLAB Support...

5年以上 前 | 0

The Arduino source 'HX711/HX711.h' for libraries 'ExampleAddon/HX711' cannot be found. Install the third party library source first and try again.
Two things to confirm with this - 1) listArduinoLibraries should list this library. 2) The location where the 3rd party li...

5年以上 前 | 0

How can matlab understand that the external button is pressed or not?
You will have to do this in while loop instead of if else. For an example see this video and if that is what you need the link t...

5年以上 前 | 0
