Getting errors in the simulation code for the obstacle avoiding robot using fuzzy logics
for i = 1:length(obstacles) length(obstacles) is defined as: temp = size(obstacles); if any(temp == 0) L...

9ヶ月 前 | 1

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error in using eig built-in function
Symbolic eig() does not support generalized eigenvalues.

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Undefined function 'mtimes' in line 56
h = 100; h is numeric. M = (m/-dt)-(qdot/(dens*dx*cp))*dx-(h*dx/(dens*dx*cp))*Tinf; You do calculations with h inside the...

9ヶ月 前 | 3

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Plot is backwards. Want the peaks to be facing right, not left.
Position = Lab6DataNoCyl(:,6); Vel1 =Lab6DataNoCyl(:,5); plot(Vel1,Position) set(gca, 'XDir', 'reverse')

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Storing arrays with guidata/Userdata
function Myproj_Button1_Callback(hObject, event, ~) handles = guidata(hObject) ; handles.LN = magic(7); guidata...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Have dir() only accumulate files between certain dates
Is there a way to make the dir() function only accumulate files from between certain dates? No, there is not. I notice you use...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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I am not able to retrieve wavelet of frequencies from a certain code. Previously, when I was making 1/2 single frequency as input it was showing me results, but now blue color
F0 = 1000; [tnew,Freq,Module]=freq_inst_morlet(y,SampleFreq,IniFreq,FinFreq,No_Freq,F0); You are passing in 1000 for the F0 p...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Issue with Matlab symbolic int
Use definite integrals rather than indefinite integrals. For example matlab tends to take a term that would be typically be w...

9ヶ月 前 | 1

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Error: using fmincon with integral function
%% Input syms d p G1 = 3e6 G0 = 1.25e8; V0 = 250; k0 = p/V0; V1 = 316; k1 = p/V1; %% Calculation D = [cos(k1*d) s...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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how to put only one item in the listbox
Are you trying to create a list that only has a single element? Such as app.ChoiseEquityListBox.Items = {'Filtered'}; app.Choi...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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loading images without compression
app.imageStruct.(imageName) = imread(imagePath,"png", 'BackgroundColor', [0.94 0.94 0.94]); The fact that y...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Splitting image channels error: Index in position 3 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 1.
for k = 1 : length(fileopen) baseFileName = fileopen(k).name; fretfiles = fullfile(fileopen(k).folder, baseFileName); ...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Relation between viscosity and temperature
See lsqcurvefit

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Mac and Linux users, please support me with a very simple task (VideoWriter.getProfiles())
MATLAB Version: (R2023b) Update 3 MATLAB License Number: • Operating System: macOS Version: 14.0 Build: 23A344...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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What significant test `corr` use internally?
corr() does not itself use any significance test. It returns the p values -- leaving you to make your own significance tests acc...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Not Enough Input Arguments
I have "Num" defined in another function as a character array, But you are not passing Num into Out when you invoke Out. Ther...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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What New Functions or Features in R2023B are of Interest?
R2023b does not have many changes of interest to me. What it does have that might be useful to me is, Find and Replace Dialog...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

error whilw downloading Copernicus Marine data via MOTU in MATLAB
motu_line = sprintf("py -m motuclient --motu https://nrt.cmems-du.eu/motu_web/Motu", ... " --service-id ", serviceId, "-TDS...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

How to calculate first and second derivative for concentration?
%first and second derivative df=diff(M1(j+1),t); You have that line before your for j loop, so at that point j is its default...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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I need help separating some horseshoe data
filename = '1147406HorseShoe.csv'; data = readmatrix(filename); Nclust = 3; [G, centers] = kmeans(data, Nclust); centers ...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Why does MatlabR2023b frequently crashes when generating figures
-Codes can correctly generate figures (using plot function), but when I try to close the graph it stops responding Don't close ...

9ヶ月 前 | 1

How to utilizes APIs provided by robot manufactures and then control the robot
See https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/call-cpp-library-functions.html for C++ libraries, and see https://www.mathworks.com/h...

9ヶ月 前 | 1

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VideoReader missing codec problem
Doesn't the MATLAB installation include the video codes required for the video formats VideoReader/VideoWriter supposedly suppor...

9ヶ月 前 | 1

Student licence claim duration
Depending on the country, and the payment method, and the time of day, it can be anywhere from 30 seconds to second business day...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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How do I perform several iterations in MATLAB?
Change for K = 1 : 100 L = 1.56*(y^2)*tanh(61.58/L); end to LGuess = 60; for K = 1 : 100 L(K) = fzero(@(L) 1.56*(...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

The code runs when if I do; newton_recur(@(x) x^2,@(x) 2*x,1,10) but wont work if I leave out the @(x). is there a way to do this so that the user doesn't need to add @(x)?
In MATLAB, parameters to a function are always evaluated before being passsed to the function. There is no way in MATLAB to be a...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Starting parallel pool gives message about crash dump files
Some previous run or runs crashed at some point in the past. The job identifiers involved were 9 and 73 -- which were not necess...

9ヶ月 前 | 2

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run topology optimization code
You editted the code for top99neo.m which you should not have done. You need to restore the code to the original -- in particula...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

Related to creating the vectors in MATLAB
(8) (3) is 8!/(3! 5!) = 56. log2 of that is between 5 and 6. floor of that is 5. So your formula calculates N = 5, *not*...

9ヶ月 前 | 0

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Can someone help me with my code. Calculate the position (coordinates x and y) of points B C and D . Calculate the linear velocity (vx and vy) of points b c d.
Ultimately the program cannot be run because you do not define r_ab = 0.3; w_ab = 0.2; Th1_1i = 30; w_bc = -0.05; r_bc = 0...

9ヶ月 前 | 1
