Global variables are inefficient and. make errors difficult to diagnose
The message is a warning, not an error message. You are getting the warning message because using global variables is the most ...

8日 前 | 1

Error using Deep Learning model LSTM
https://www.mathworks.com/help/deeplearning/ref/trainnetwork.html#mw_36a68d96-8505-4b8d-b338-44e1efa9cc5e defines for the sequen...

9日 前 | 0

Quiver not working and seemingly wrecking plots.
figure(1) quiver(X,Z,Xdot,Zdot) subplot(2,4,i) By default, quiver() uses the current axes to plot in. The first iteration, f...

9日 前 | 1

| 採用済み

MATLAB code runs but it throws error once compiled.
legendreP is part of the Symbolic toolbox. Nothing in the Symbolic toolbox can be compiled.

10日 前 | 0

logical index issue in for lloop
syms x t real mu=(1/16)^4 m=(cos(x)+1i*sin(x))/(1+((1/mu)^4-1)*(cos(4*t)+1i*sin(4*t))); n=real(m) disp(char(n)) So n is a s...

10日 前 | 0

Receiving "too many output arguments" error in this code
You define function highpassButtonPushed(app, event) which declares highpassButtoPushed as a function that returns no outputs....

10日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Help with the convertion of text files into tables.
directory_files_are_in = '/path/to/where/the/files/are'; dinfo = dir( fullfile(directory_files_are_in, '*.txt')); %adjust .tx...

10日 前 | 0

Error in data formatting when creating a matrix of only certain columns from a very large txt file in MATLAB
You are examining the outputs by using disp() (or implied disp(), such as just naming the variable on the command line.) The de...

10日 前 | 0

Integrating discrete accelerometer data, displacement result too big
Observe: y = randn(1,10) cumtrapz(y) Notice that the first output is 0. This is a property of cumtrapz(). cumtrapz() is not t...

10日 前 | 0

Complex variable substitution using Symbolic Toolbox no working as expected.
s = 1i*w; % Substitute s = j*w h_s = simplify(subs(h_w, w*1i, s)); You are asking to substitute 1i*w for w*1i . However, expre...

10日 前 | 0

how can i read letters from an input and make them numbers to make an array from those numbers
ValidInputs = {'AB', 'BC', 'CD', 'DE', 'AD'}; INPUT = input('enter some letters', 's'); [found, idx] = ismember(lower(INPUT), ...

11日 前 | 0

How to use both GPU devices in the laptop
MATLAB is only able to use NVIDIA GPUs for deliberate GPU access. MATLAB has no way of accessing the Intel Iris Xe GPU in the ...

11日 前 | 2

functions inside nnperformance/+sse do not print
After changing code inside the MATLAB directories, you need to rehash toolboxcache Is a binary code running instead to speed ...

11日 前 | 0

How do I save changes to a matrix in a while loop?
overall_score = [0 0 0]; before the while loop. overall_score = overall_score + score; fprintf('Overall Player Wins: %d\n Tie...

12日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Matlab no longer running scripts
For certain older versions of MATLAB, and more common on Mac, MATLAB could apparently hang at random times, including on start-u...

12日 前 | 0

Why does feval produce the error 'cannot automatically convert a double variable to categorical values'?
You design your tbl so that the first column is categorical. You construct a fitlm model from that. You attempt to feval() the...

12日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Why am I getting a NaN value when calling a variable using uicontrol?
Try AvgSpeed1 = mean(RealSpeed1, "omitmissing");

12日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Is it possible to open an java-based figure from the new desktop?
Yes. The new desktop is largely javascript, but traditional figures created with figure() are still java based.

12日 前 | 0

Changing Matlab online version to older one
Sorry, you cannot change MATLAB Online to use an older version.

12日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

I have a set of data from an ultrasound image that I need to convert from a .mat file to a file that can be viewed in CAD software or 3D slicer.
By far the easiest way to write dicom files is to already have a representative file of the same type, and use dicominfo() on th...

12日 前 | 0

IFFT function doesn't work for modified fourer spectras
[nt,j]=size(Gilroy1); %... f0=0:df:(nt-1)*df; %... Y=fft(y); Y1=abs(Y); %... FW=1./(cos(2*pi*f0*H/V)); %... YY1=Y.*FW'; ...

12日 前 | 0

Handling Missing values in cell array from Excel cell extraction
mask = cellfun(@(C)any(ismissing(C(:))), extractedData.partCategories, 'UniformOutput', false);

12日 前 | 1

| 採用済み

dot indexing not supported for this type of variable” error
When you use predictFcn, the input data needs to be in the same format that you trained on. If you trained on a table() object,...

12日 前 | 0

Question about solving symbolic coupled non-linear equations
The main issue was that you are displaying a struct, and symbolic variable arrays are not expanded for struct. The second issue...

13日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

Event function Indexing Error
The isterminal vector returned by the event function must be the same length as the value return. Your IC are probably at least...

13日 前 | 0

"Not enough input arguments" error when using fullfile
S1 = dir(fullfile(P,'*(7)*.csv')); That is returning the empty result, because it cannot find the directory or cannot match *(7...

13日 前 | 0

关于 ndgrid 如何用正整数参数 生成 浮点数网格坐标数组, 然后用 hypot 计算矢量长度度, 出错 ?
Yes, ndgrid with two outputs is designed to have the same output type as input type. Well, except that sparse matrices are promo...

14日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

How to use "predict" to get x value for a given y value?
Scattered X and y values with X increasing. Suppose you had the input X Y 1 1 1 0.5 1 -0.1 2 2 2 1...

14日 前 | 0

How to use y2abcd function if y parameter matrix has variables
Nothing in the RF toolbox accepts symbolic parameters (unless it is by accident.) You cannot use y2abcd() with symbolic paramet...

14日 前 | 0

| 採用済み

How to check if errordlg is shown
Looking at /Applications/MATLAB_R2024b.app/toolbox/shared/dastudio/+DAStudio/@DialogProvider/DialogProvider.m it appears to be ...

14日 前 | 0
