Help with GUI panels
This is a good example of why GUIDE is not really suitable at creating even mildly complex GUIs, when I started coding in Matla...

約10年 前 | 0

How to print result in MATLAB?
The two answers on here are correct - however if you take the for loop from one and the sprintf from the other you get a faster ...

約10年 前 | 1

if else condition - empty vector
help isempty

約10年 前 | 0

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How can I use fprintf to save a txt file with different size matrix ?
you can loop over the column dimension of your variables when you write the file out, or before the write command check that eac...

約10年 前 | 0

Assign rename of structure with input command
I also *do not advocate the use of eval*. You could use "assignin", e.g. S.H1 = A(:,2); S.H2 = A(:,3); S.H3 = A(:,...

約10年 前 | 0

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64 bit 32 bit Compatible Standalone App
You can deploy a 32 bit version which will run on a 32 bit or a 64 bit computer. You can't compile a 64 bit from a 32 bit. ...

約10年 前 | 1

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64 bit 32 bit Compatible Standalone App
<http://www.mathworks.co.uk/matlabcentral/answers/42027-error-loading-a-32bit-dll-with-64bit-matlab Does this question describe ...

約10年 前 | 1

Open text dialog with checkbox
position and units are the 2 properties you want to look at. Specific help wont be possible unless you give specific problem ...

約10年 前 | 0

GUI closing unexpectedly once published as an application?
run the exe from a command prompt and it will write any error message to that window - that should help you debug.

約10年 前 | 1

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GUIDE: gcf windowscrollWheelFcn and gca ButtonDownFcn interaction
without seeing the actual code I can only speculate - but it sounds like the ButtonDownFcn is being removed when you replot, thi...

約10年 前 | 1

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Remove NaNs during plotting (keep array the same length)
Can you not just use isnan to check if its a nan if ~isnan ( ss(k) ) % do your plotting? end

約10年 前 | 0

Need help with this Matlab script question? For loop!!
It the start of your while loop the condition includes a check on x(3), hence why you get the error. *edit:* you could fix it...

約10年 前 | 0

Disabling Cntrl+Left Click = Right Click
You can use the keypressfcn to register if ctrl is pressed and modify your call back in. I'd mouse button

約10年 前 | 0

Issues exiting from a while loop when the figure is closed
force all of your plot, scale colourbars etc by specifying which axes/figure they are to be plotted on, i.e. plot ( axesHand...

約10年 前 | 1

How to manualy break a for loop but continue with the rest of matlab code execution?
You can do it all in your loop: h = figure; ax = axes( 'parent', h, 'nextplot', 'add', 'xlim', [0 200] ); x = [1:2000...

約10年 前 | 2

how to plot a graph
help plot help hold

約10年 前 | 0

How to generate just one random number in every iteration of for loop?
Your storing each random created in each loop, if you only want one just do x = rand (1);

約10年 前 | 1

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How can I increment different values for every iteration to a for loop?
for k=1:length (a) disp ( a(k) ); end

約10年 前 | 0

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Changing title, line color, weight etc in errorbar figures
is the xlabel etc going on the wrong plot? if so pass in the axes handle: xlabel ( axH, 'x label' ) ylabel ( axH, 'y ...

約10年 前 | 0

Compiling Code Dependent on External Files
if i recall the files will be extracted into the same directory as your exe - so you could work the relative paths from that sce...

約10年 前 | 0

File names with spaces used as command line arguments
try putting " around the command, commandStr = '"bertini paramotopy.input /Users/my folder/start"' *edit* So the prob...

約10年 前 | 1

How to save to a specific filename in a for loop
BTW: eval is rarely the best choice... I think you want: % create your fieldname (sprintf is faster than str2num and jo...

約10年 前 | 1

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
much faster generation of legends

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
more consistency across function calls (i.e. in plot you can do: plot ( axHandle, X, Y, etc.... ) but in text you have ...

約10年 前 | 1

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
Turning on 3d rotation doesn't remove buttonDownFcn callback from other controls

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
Ability to select nothing (i.e. set to []) from a listbox.

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
when value goes out of range (listbox) don't hide the control - set the listbox selection to [] (i.e. nothing selected)

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
when you have a long time series (minutes) with high frequency data (milli-seconds) datetick doesn't work well when you zoom in ...

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
html support in all uicontrols

約10年 前 | 0

What features and improvements do you hope to see in HG2?
have CData property in all uicontrols

約10年 前 | 0
