[DEPRECATED] What frustrates you about MATLAB?
Some frustration not about Matlab but about the answers forum here: These myriads of spam "questions" related to relationship is...

約10年 前 | 1

detecting the difference of the sequence
Why do you want to detect first 4 characters from the left and then the last 4 digits? My suggestion is: fid=fopen('test.t...

約10年 前 | 1

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How to add vector from cell?
Yes: sum(cat(3,X{:}),3) the same for Y and Z. Comment: I have chosen to use the third dimension as this is not exist...

約10年 前 | 0

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Editing a .c file using a .m file
Well, the pointer is at the beginning of the file and that's where the data is written. So the functions behave as they should. ...

約10年 前 | 0

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appending element to vector
As Guillaume has mentioned, that's not the usual way to go. Assume you want to plot the data (which requires equally sized array...

約10年 前 | 1

for loop number of elements
Depending on Ui, dataind and longm, this could work: winddivergencex(n,:)=... or winddivergencex(:,n)=...

約10年 前 | 0

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How to create rgb image in matlab?
Do you want to read or to create an image? Read: image=imread(filename); Create: image=zeros(300,400,3); %initi...

約10年 前 | 3

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How can I find the max and min amongst a set of grouping variables?
Since you didn't write if every number will occur in the first column, I allow for "missing" numbers here (it doesn't make a big...

約10年 前 | 2

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Application of For Next Statement?
Please make your code readable using the {}Code button on top of the edit window in future. You are overwriting a in every l...

約10年 前 | 0

Replace elements in a row matrix randomly
Is your specific algorithm necessary? I mean, that you first start with a random A and then add 1s until the condition is met? I...

約10年 前 | 0

Generating a series of marices
m=cell(size(a,1),1); for k=1:size(a,1) m{k}=a(k,:); end

約10年 前 | 0

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I have an excel file containing text and numbers, xlsread not import the columns containing text. what should I do?
It does, it just returns it in another parameter. From Matlab help: [ndata, text, alldata] = xlsread('myExample.xlsx') ...

約10年 前 | 4

How to take a rectangular matrix of numbers and turn it into a matrix of the form (row, column, number)?
If m is your matrix: m=rand(3,2); [1+mod(0:numel(m)-1,size(m,1))' 1+fix((0:numel(m)-1)/size(m,1))' m(:)]

約10年 前 | 1

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How to find four coordinates of inner rectangle?
vsum=sum(image,1); hsum=sum(image,2); top=find(vsum,1,'first'); bottom=find(vsum,1,'last'); left=find(hsum,1,'firs...

約10年 前 | 1

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Error using save funktion
What is the full path of the folder you want to save the file in? Is it by chance F:\WS\Aufgabe\Henyey-Greenstein\IdentifyG\ ...

約10年 前 | 0

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How can I find the coordinates of a known vector, within a larger vector?
You can use strfind: Vector1 = [3 2 4 1 3 2 4 1 3 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 4 2]; Vector2 = [1 4 2 3 1 4 2 4 2 3 4 3 ...

約10年 前 | 2

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What's the error in my code?
x > (i*T) && x < ((T*i)+(D*T)) You cannot use && in case of arrays. Use & instead. if x > (i*T) && x < ((T*i)+(D*T)) ...

約10年 前 | 0

How to plot the function below in cylindrical coordinates?
You need to convert your polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates: r=1:.1:2; %radius theta=0:pi/32:2*pi; %some angle ...

約10年 前 | 1

How to generate random numbers 0 and 1
e.g. randi(2)-1 or fix(rand*2) Best regards, Michael

約10年 前 | 1

how to make computations with a cell array?
Dear Simo, min(cellfun(@(x) x(5),results(:,1))) does the job. Best regards, Michael

約10年 前 | 1

How to get back red waitbar?
I'm working with 2014a, but if they didn't change the entire waitbar, you should be able to modify the color this way: h =...

10年以上 前 | 0

date and time serial conversion
You can use datenum: datevec(datenum('04.11.2014 12:48','dd.mm.yyyy HH:MM')) ans = 2014 11 ...

10年以上 前 | 0

Replacing NaN values with average values of the nearest numbers?
Hi Isaac, you can use interp1: nandata=[2;3;5;7;nan;nan;12]; xdata=(1:length(data))'; data=interp1(xdata(~isnan(n...

10年以上 前 | 7

Sorting cells with headers... how to start sorting at row 2
You have mixed up a bit in your suggestion of the solution: sA=[A(1,:);sortrows(A(2:end,:),2)];

10年以上 前 | 0

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index must be a positive integer or logical.
I dont know how this equation should read, but might there be a * missing? You write C1=(wn(z+sqrt(z^2-1))+xdz)/(2*wn*(sqrt(...

10年以上 前 | 0

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Why won't one of my plot points show
The point is there, it's just difficult to see this single pixel. If you really want to plot single points, better use different...

10年以上 前 | 2

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Problem with Imhist method
The x scale depends on the data type of the image. I guess in your case, Zoom is of uint16? Then, the limits of the data are [0 ...

10年以上 前 | 0

How to find the lines of two words repeated many times in a .txt file
You just have to extend your if-structure: if ischar(tline) if found if strcmpi(tline,'END') found=false; ...

10年以上 前 | 0

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Change size of plotyy figure before saving.
You need the handles of both axes. You already use these handles as first output argument of plotyy in a variable you call ax: ...

10年以上 前 | 0

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Dimension mismatch error in matlab
In the _first_ loop, you either have not yet initialized x or you have initialized it as n-x-41 array. In any case, after the fi...

10年以上 前 | 1
