
Triangle Numbers
Triangle numbers are the sums of successive integers. So 6 is a triangle number because 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 which can be displayed ...

約1年 前


Generate a vector like 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4
Generate a vector like 1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4 So if n = 3, then return [1 2 2 3 3 3] And if n = 5, then return [1 2 2 3 3 3 4...

約1年 前


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

約1年 前


Return area of square
Side of square=input=a Area=output=b

約1年 前


Maximum value in a matrix
Find the maximum value in the given matrix. For example, if A = [1 2 3; 4 7 8; 0 9 1]; then the answer is 9.

約1年 前


Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

約1年 前


Given a circular pizza with radius z and thickness a, return the pizza's volume. [ z is first input argument.] Non-scored bonus...

約1年 前


Verify Law of Large Numbers
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,....

約1年 前


Find the Oldest Person in a Room
Given two input vectors: * |name| - user last names * |age| - corresponding age of the person Return the name of the ol...

約1年 前


Convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius
Given an input vector F containing temperature values in Fahrenheit, return an output vector C that contains the values in Celsi...

約1年 前


Calculate Amount of Cake Frosting
Given two input variables r and h, which stand for the radius and height of a cake, calculate the surface area of the cake you n...

約1年 前


Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

約1年 前


Doubling elements in a vector
Given the vector A, return B in which all numbers in A are doubling. So for: A = [ 1 5 8 ] then B = [ 1 1 5 ...

約1年 前


Create a vector
Create a vector from 0 to n by intervals of 2.

約1年 前


Flip the vector from right to left
Flip the vector from right to left. Examples x=[1:5], then y=[5 4 3 2 1] x=[1 4 6], then y=[6 4 1]; Request not ...

約1年 前


Whether the input is vector?
Given the input x, return 1 if x is vector or else 0.

約1年 前


Find max
Find the maximum value of a given vector or matrix.

約1年 前


Get the length of a given vector
Given a vector x, the output y should equal the length of x.

約1年 前


Inner product of two vectors
Find the inner product of two vectors.

約1年 前


Arrange Vector in descending order
If x=[0,3,4,2,1] then y=[4,3,2,1,0]

約1年 前


Select every other element of a vector
Write a function which returns every other element of the vector passed in. That is, it returns the all odd-numbered elements, s...

約1年 前


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

約1年 前


Compare a value to a vector
Given a random value X and a random vector Y. you have to compare X to the Vector Y and make a decision. case 1: X is a value i...

約1年 前


Hit submit for some points! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 - 4; end

約1年 前


COMPSC 200 help
Use this problem to earn some free points towards your 1,000. Just hit submit! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 50; e...

約1年 前


Functions For Points
Use this fucntion to earn some free points! function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 5; end

約1年 前


Easy Function(3)
Hit submit for some free points. function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 30; end

約1年 前


CMPSC 200 help(2)
Use this problem to earn some easy points towards your 1,000! Just hit submit. function y = your_fcn_name(x) y = x^2 + 32; e...

約1年 前


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

約1年 前

display errorbar on each point in the curve matlab code
% User Data Collection x=[2,4,6,8,10]; y1=[58.87 168 366 670.48 715]; y2=[51 147 327 525 645.69 ]; % define the error fo...

約1年 前 | 0

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