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Russel Dodds

Last seen: 1年以上 前 2021 年からアクティブ

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  • Project Euler I
  • Solver





Minefield Sonar
*Background* In mine-hunting games (e.g. Microsoft Minesweeper), the user is provided with a covered grid that, upon a left c...

2年以上 前


Finding peaks
Find the peak values in the signal. The peak value is defined as the local maxima. For example, x= [1 12 3 2 7 0 3 1 19 7]; ...

3年弱 前


Implement a bubble sort technique and output the number of swaps required
A bubble sort technique compares adjacent items and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. This is done recursively until al...

3年弱 前


Find nth maximum
Find nth maximum in a vector of integer numbers. Return NaN if no such number exists. x = [2 6 4 9 -10 3 1 5 -10]; So ...

3年弱 前


Create an index-powered vector
Given a input vector x, return y as index-powered vector as shown below. Example x = [2 3 6 9] then y should be [...

3年弱 前


Oh Zero Zero Zero!!!
Hello all, So you have to find the largest section of zeros in a vector and then find the length of those zeros and there start...

3年弱 前


Find last zero for each column
Given a numeric array of arbitrary size, return the row index of the last zero for each column. If a column contains all nonzero...

3年弱 前


Count consecutive 0's in between values of 1
So you have some vector that contains 1's and 0's, and the goal is to return a vector that gives the number of 0's between each ...

3年弱 前


Calculate the Number of Sign Changes in a Row Vector (No Element Is Zero)
For a row vector: V=[7 1 2 -3] there is one sign change (from 2 to -3). So, the function you write must return N=1. F...

3年弱 前


Symmetry of vector
Determine whether the vector is symmetric or not (vector could be even or odd in length). For example: x = [1 2 3 3 2 1] ...

3年弱 前


Create an n-by-n null matrix and fill with ones certain positions
The positions will be indicated by a z-by-2 matrix. Each row in this z-by-2 matrix will have the row and column in which a 1 has...

3年弱 前


Getting the indices from a vector
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to <http://www.mathworks....

3年弱 前


Find the longest sequence of 1's in a binary sequence.
Given a string such as s = '011110010000000100010111' find the length of the longest string of consecutive 1's. In this examp...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 10, Sum of Primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below the input, N. Thank you <http:/...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 8, Find largest product in a large string of numbers
Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in an n-digit number. 73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 7, Nth prime
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the Nth prime nu...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 6, Natural numbers, squares and sums.
The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 10^2 = 385 The square of the sum of the first ...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 5, Smallest multiple
2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smalle...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 4, Palindromic numbers
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 ...

3年弱 前


Get all prime factors
List the prime factors for the input number, in decreasing order. List each factor. If the prime factor occurs twice, list it as...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 3, Largest prime factor
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number being input, input might be ui...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 2, Sum of even Fibonacci
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 te...

3年弱 前


Project Euler: Problem 1, Multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23...

3年弱 前