Nafees Ul Haque Akhand
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
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Under Grad. Student of Water Resources Engineering.
Matlab Basics - y as a function of x
Write a function to calculate y as a function of x, such that y = 6x^2 + 5x - 2
約3年 前
Skip by a multiple
Given an integer create an array of its multiples. Array must have a length of 15
約3年 前
Basic Operation with the middle number of odd matrix
# Take an odd matrix *like* 3-by-3 # Access the *middle element* of the matrix i.e in case of 3-by-3 matrix the index of the pa...
約3年 前
Test if a matrix is symmetric
Write a logical function that returns 1 if the input matrix is symmetric and 0 otherwise.
約3年 前
Diagonal Pattern
For a positive integer |n|, return an |nXn| matrix |mat| such that the value of each element in row |i| and column |j| is given ...
約3年 前
Union Jack Matrix
Create a matrix of odd dimensions that has ones on both diagonals and dividing the matrix into 4 quadrants, resembling a square ...
3年以上 前
Make a rainbow matrix (follow-up to checkerboard matrix)
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 0. As we move away from the top-left, the number ...
3年以上 前
Dice face matrix!
This is dice simulator, but instead of making a random die number, you will receive an "pre-rolled" number in and spit out a mat...
3年以上 前
Vandermonde Matrix
Create the Vandermonde Matrix of the given vector. The matrix consists of columns as powers of the vector, so the first column i...
3年以上 前
Tent matrix
Create an n x n matrix that resembles one kind of tent. The variable n is provided to the function and will be an odd number. As...
3年以上 前
Form a square matrix from four square sub-matrices
Create a square matrix, y, from 4 square sub-matrices that will be constructed (x1, x2, x3, x4): y = [x1 x2; x3 x4]; ...
3年以上 前
Check if a matrix is a palindrome in all directions
Check if a matrix is a palindrome both vertically and horizontally. You function will return *true* for |[1,2,1]| or |[2,7,2;...
3年以上 前
Make a diamond
Given n, odd number > 1, return n by n matrix consist of "null" and "*" characters arranged like a diamond. No toolbox funct...
3年以上 前
Create a square matrix with given conditions
Create a square matrix, M, which should be populated as follows: M = [ n^2 n * (n-1) n * (n-2) ... n * 2 n * ...
3年以上 前
Zero Cross
Write a function that counts the number of times n a signal x changes sign. Examples x = [1 2 -3 -4 5 6 -7 8 -9 10 11] ...
3年以上 前
Combined Ages 2 - Symmetric, n ≥ 3
Following on <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42382-combined-ages-1-symmetric-n-3 Combined Ages 2>, you wil...
3年以上 前
Combined Ages 1 - Symmetric, n = 3
You have probably seen the common riddle wherein combined ages are provided and you must determine the individual ages. For exam...
3年以上 前
Column norms of a matrix
Given a matrix M, return a vector y such that for each k y(k)=norm(M(:,k)) (y(k) is the Euclidean norm of the k-th col...
3年以上 前
Number of problems
No, you don't read it wrong: this assignment is to return the number of this problem (and not the problem of this number).
3年以上 前
Find and replaces spaces from a input string with *
For a given input string str, find how many spaces are there in the string and replace those spaces with * e.g. str = 'this is ...
3年以上 前
Create a set of n variable names 'a_1',...,'a_n' The result should be a column oriented cell array of strings. Example inp...
3年以上 前
Wrap-around effect
In vector x of length n we define (n+1) position as going back to the first position (so called wrap-around effect). Can you ret...
3年以上 前
Check capital letters
Check if each first letter of a string is a capital letter. for example: 'This Is Ok' gives a true answer and 'This Is not Ok' ...
3年以上 前
Odd times 3
Given a input matrix x, multiply all odd values by 3. Even values remain the same. example: x = [1 2 3 4 5;... 6 7...
3年以上 前
String revert
Revert all words in a sting x for example, if x = 'this is a sentence' then y should be 'sentence a is this'
3年以上 前
Odd times even numbers in a matrix
First count the number of odd numbers in x, then the number of even. Return their product. example: x = [1 2] One odd ...
3年以上 前
Binary Inversion
Given the unsigned 8-bit integer x, return the number y which is the binary inversion of x. For example if x is 5, y should b...
3年以上 前
Bubble sort
Write your own bubble sort function ( <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_sort>) to sort all elements in x in ascending order....
3年以上 前