
Which doors are open?
There are n doors in an alley. Initially they are all shut. You have been tasked to go down the alley n times, and open/shut the...

12年以上 前


Extract leading non-zero digit
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benford%27s_law Benford's Law> states that the distribution of leading digits is not random. This...

12年以上 前


Sums with Excluded Digits
Add all the integers from 1 to n in which the digit m does not appear. m will always be a single digit integer from 0 to 9. no...

12年以上 前


QWERTY coordinates
Given a lowercase letter or a digit as input, return the row where that letter appears on a <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboa...

12年以上 前


Remove all the words that end with "ain"
Given the string s1, return the string s2 with the target characters removed. For example, given s1 = 'the main event' your ...

12年以上 前


Summing Digits within Text
Given a string with text and digits, add all the numbers together. Examples: Input str = '4 and 20 blackbirds baked in a...

12年以上 前


Trimming Spaces
Given a string, remove all leading and trailing spaces (where space is defined as ASCII 32). Input a = ' singular value deco...

12年以上 前


Reverse Run-Length Encoder
Given a "counting sequence" vector x, construct the original sequence y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entrie...

12年以上 前


Pattern matching
Given a matrix, m-by-n, find all the rows that have the same "increase, decrease, or stay same" pattern going across the columns...

12年以上 前


Remove all the redundant elements in a vector, but keep the first occurrence of each value in its original location. So if a =...

12年以上 前


Balanced number
Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to...

12年以上 前


Making change
Given an amount of currency, return a vector of this form: [100 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.1 0.05 0.01] Example: Input a = ...

12年以上 前


Parcel Routing
Given a matrix that represent the distance along highways between major cities numbered 1 to _N_, provide the path and shortest ...

12年以上 前


Pull the variable y_correct from the Caller's Workspace
*Description* This highlights a very easy to use and high-scoring cheat that can be used on almost all Cody questions.

12年以上 前


Increment a number, given its digits
Take as input an array of digits (e.g. x = [1 2 3]) and output an array of digits that is that number "incremented" properly, (i...

12年以上 前


Check to see if a Sudoku Puzzle is Solved
*Description:* Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to make a function that checks to see if a 9x9 matrix of integer...

12年以上 前


Number of 1s in the Binary Representation of a Number
*Description* Return the number of 1s in the (unsigned integer) binary representation of a number. This function should be ab...

12年以上 前


Solve the Sudoku Row
*Description* A simple yet tedious task occurs near the end of most Sudoku-solving algorithms, computerized or manual. The ta...

12年以上 前


Count from 0 to N^M in base N.
Return an array of numbers which (effectively) count from 0 to N^M-1 in base N. The result should be returned in a matrix, with ...

12年以上 前


Return the 'Size' of a String of Code
One of the most 'mysterious' parts of playing Cody is the sizing system. Given a string of commands, return the size that Cody w...

12年以上 前


Read a Soroban Abacus
*Description* The Soroban is the name of the modern Japanese abacus. Information on reading a Soroban can be found <http://we...

12年以上 前


Elapsed Time
Given two date strings d1 and d2 of the form yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS (assume hours HH is in 24 hour mode), determine how much time, ...

12年以上 前


Function Iterator
Given a handle fh to a function which takes a scalar input and returns a scalar output and an integer n >= 1, return a handle f...

12年以上 前


Getting the indices from a vector
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to <http://www.mathworks....

12年以上 前


Woodall number
Test whether the input is a Woodall number: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodall_number> _Please do not cheat by simply chec...

12年以上 前


random picture with random colours
write a function which creates a random(x,y) matrix with random RGB colours for example create_pic(5,5) gives us a 3d matrix. ...

12年以上 前


Implement a ROT13 cipher
Replace each character in string s1 with the character that is shifted 13 positions from it (wrap back to the beginning if neces...

12年以上 前


Test for balanced parentheses
Given the input inStr, give the boolean output out indicating whether all the parentheses are balanced. Examples: * If ...

12年以上 前


Encode Roman Numerals
Create a function taking a non-negative integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representat...

12年以上 前


Remove the small words from a list of words.
Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words ...

12年以上 前
