
Solve the system of equations.
_Ax=b_ * _A_ - square coefficient matrix * _b_ - right side column vector Find vecor _x_.

6年以上 前


Solve the following system of equations.
x - 2y + 3z = a 2x + y + z = 4 -3x + 2y - 2z = -10

6年以上 前


Logical array indexing - part 1
Given an array |A| of size |p x q| , return an array |Y| of the same size such that the following conditions are satisfied. (...

6年以上 前


Leading-zero padding
Write a function that will add leading-zero padding to all numbers in the supplied vector, as necessary, based on the maximum nu...

6年以上 前


Find Euclidean norm of given vector u.
Find Euclidean norm of given vector u. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance Example x=[1 1] result=sqrt(1^2+1^2...

6年以上 前


Opposite task convert binary numbers array into array of decimal numbers.
Opposite task convert binary numbers array into array of decimal numbers. Example x=[ 11001000 ; 11001001 ; 11001010 ...

6年以上 前


Sum of odd numbers in a matrix
Find the sum of all the odd numbers in a matrix. Example x = [2 3 5 7 1 4 11] y = 27

6年以上 前


Solve t^(a*x^2+b*x+c)=s
Solve t^(a*x^2+b*x+c)=s. Return x vector as result. Example a=1, b=2, c=1, t=3, s=15. Result x(1)= 0.5700 x(2)=-2.5700 H...

6年以上 前


Convert array of decimal numbers into binary numbers array.
Convert an array of decimal numbers into binary numbers array. For example: x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]; result = [1; 10; 11;...

6年以上 前


Convert array of decimal numbers into hexadecimal numbers array.
Convert array of decimal numbers into hexadecimal numbers array. Example x =[ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...

6年以上 前


Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers .
Opposite task convert string hexadecimal numbers array into array of decimal numbers . Example x=[ '208'; '209'; '20A'; ...

6年以上 前


Calculate roots of polynomial given as vector array.
Calculate roots of polynomial given as vector array. Example x=[1 2 0 5 0 3] result=[-2.7267 ; ...

6年以上 前


Find scalar product of two polynomials a and b, given as vector array.
Find scalar product of two polynomials given as vector array. Example a=[1 -1 2]; b=[2 4 1]; result=0

6年以上 前


Numerate input arguments
For every string input, output the corresponding number. For example: [a, b] = Test('first', 'second') a=1; b=2;

6年以上 前


Find product of eigenvalues of n*n magic matrix.
Find product of eigenvalues of n*n magic matrix. Example n=3 Matrix= [ 8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 ...

6年以上 前


pizza deals
Given two pizza slices of different sizes: * Slice A with angle alpha1, radius r1, and price p1 * Slice B with angle alpha2,...

6年以上 前


Calculate the sum of elements of n*n Hilbert matrix.
Calculate the sum of elements of n*n Hilbert matrix. For example, for n=5: HilbertMatrix = [1.0000 0.5000 0.333...

6年以上 前


Get derivarive of polynomial given as vector array.
Get derivarive of polynomial given as vector array. Example p=[ 1 2 0 5 0 3 ]; result=[ 5 8 0 10 ...

6年以上 前


Divide polynomial p1 by p2.
Divide polynomial p1 by p2 given as vectors. Return result q and r vectors which corresponds the quotient and remainder of divis...

6年以上 前


Calculate the values of a polynomial.
Calculate the values of a polynomial.Input parameter p - vector of polynomial coefficients, x - matrix of the argument values. ...

6年以上 前


Multiply two polynomials p and q given in in vector representation.
Multiply two polynomials p and q given in vector representation. Example p=[-2 0 1 -1 3 2] q=[1 0 -1 2 ...

6年以上 前


Monte-Carlo integration
Write a function that estimates a d-dimensional integral to at least 1% relative precision. Inputs: * d: positive integer....

6年以上 前


Covering area
As an extension of the problem <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/416-polygon-area>, find the area, bounded b...

6年以上 前


Area of polygon
Given the vertices in vectors X,Y, return the area of the polygon they define.

6年以上 前


Monte Carlo integration: area of a polygon
The area of a polygon (or any plane shape) can be evaluated by <https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/179 Monte ...

6年以上 前 | 1 | 7 個のソルバー


Clock Hand Angle 1
Given a time in HH:MM:SS, find the smallest angle (in degrees) between the hour and minute hand

6年以上 前


Find third Side of a right triangle given hypotenuse and a side. No * - or other functions allowed
Find the remaining side of a triangle given the hypotenuse and a side. However, the normal functions and symbols are not allowe...

6年以上 前


Volume of a Parallelepiped
Calculate the volume of a Parallelepiped given the vectors for three edges that meet at one vertex. A cube is a special case ...

6年以上 前


Calculate the eigenvalues of A.
Calculate the sum of the eigenvalues of A. If it's odd return cubed else return 54.

6年以上 前


Logarithm with base other than 'e'
The standard log() function in Matlab returns the natural logarithm (base equal to Euler's constant). Compute the logarithm for ...

6年以上 前
