how to create a .mat file
Use *imread* function to load images, then you can save you variables in MAT file using *save* function. MAT-files can be loaded...

約11年 前 | 0

save the results of who function
You have to use quotation marks, because an argument of *who* should be string: List = who('B*')

約11年 前 | 0

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Getting value from a listbox. Error: Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
I suppose that your listbox contains only one string. Compare two codes: 1: lb = uicontrol('Style','listbox','Position',...

約11年 前 | 0

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Calculate daily average out of many files per day
Let suppose that all file names are stored in *filename* variable: d = zeros(495,595,35); for k=1:35 d(:,:,k) = imp...

約11年 前 | 0

How to delete a frame after use?
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/delete.html> <http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/recycle.html>

約11年 前 | 0

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what does this simulink command mean ?
* [0 100] is the time span, * [] - here you can put a option structure, which can modify simulation settings. You can change si...

約11年 前 | 1

reading files and data into matlab
Enter to subfolders: *<http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/cd.html cd>* Exit from subfolders *cd ..* Read files: *<ht...

約11年 前 | 0

How can I output intermediate vaviables when using ode45 funcion?
You can use *OutputFcn* to do this. Just add options to ode45 in this way: options = odeset('OutputFcn',@myfun); [T,Y]=o...

約11年 前 | 0

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How to determine the position of an integer
If the values are in the cell format use *cell2mat* function: pos = find(cell2mat(d)==3)

11年以上 前 | 0

unique values in array
Simply idea is to use loop: f = [1 , timing(1)]; for k=2:numel(timing) if timing(k)~=timing(k-1) ...

11年以上 前 | 0

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I am doing a project using structured light, I need image to be showed in 'full screen mode', how?
Have you tried this function: <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23404-fullscreen-1-1> ?

11年以上 前 | 0

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How can I change the x-axis to log scale using boxplot?
First question: Can you write small example? Because I don't understand fully your problem. Second question: Instead of...

11年以上 前 | 0

Is there an implementation of Tarjan's algorithm for triconnected components of a graph in MATLAB?
<http://www.mathworks.com/help/toolbox/bioinfo/ref/graphconncomp.html GRAPHCONNCOMP> - Find strongly or weakly connected compone...

11年以上 前 | 0

How to open a .m file by a double-click, on Ubuntu 12.04
This might help: http://www.walkingrandomly.com/?p=300

11年以上 前 | 0

Adjusting the colorbar to zero value
I'm not sure if I good understand your problem, but maybe *caxis* function will be helpful: contourf(peaks+10) cmap = je...

11年以上 前 | 0

How can I update data for quiver plot?
I think that this is impossible for quiver plot. Try this code: [X,Y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2); Z = X.*exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2); ...

12年弱 前 | 2

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I have generated a large dataset. Now I need to draw random samples from it. How can I do this?
For example: data = exp(-(-10:0.1:10).^2); idx = randperm(numel(data)); N = 20; idx = idx(1:N); plot(id...

12年弱 前 | 0

plotting several quadratic functions
Yes, I think that it is good idea: figure hold all x = linspace(0,1); for a=-1:1:2 plot(x,a*x.^2+1) ...

12年弱 前 | 0

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How to display 3D image in each layer?
Just clear unnecessary channels: I = imread('http://www.3drealms.com/zerohour/images/zhbackground.bmp'); figure r = I...

12年弱 前 | 1

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How can i reset axes and edittext?
So add a button and in its callback fucntion write code which clear axis and edittext field. i.e. cla(handles.axis1) ...

12年弱 前 | 1

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editing inside cells array
You can try this code: for i=1:size(POT1,1) for j=2:size(POT1,2) if ~isempty(POT1{i,j}) PO...

12年弱 前 | 1

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i want to find out area under the curve using quad command ,the curve is generated after running the programme
If you draw yourself Bode plot (see code), you receive vectors 'x' and 'y', which can be numerically integrate. [HMag, HPha...

12年弱 前 | 0

plot 2d color graph
In my opinion you should use the imagesc function. x = 1:10;% 10 stimulus y = 1:8;% 8 subparts z = randi(5,8,10)-1;% ...

12年弱 前 | 0

how can i make the isotherm plot from excel data using MATLAB
Try function *contour* or *imagesc*.

約12年 前 | 0

contourlines in time format
It may be helpful to Analyze this code: Z = 5+abs(peaks)/10; [C,h] = contour(interp2(Z,4)); th = clabel(C,h); set(...

12年以上 前 | 0

How to create non-repetitive random integers
Try this code: N = 100; x = randperm(N); x = x(1:70)

12年以上 前 | 0

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calculate the distance between 2 points
The common use distance formula is the second one: d = sqrt((x(p1)-x(p2))^2+(y(p1)-y(p2))^2); <http://en.wikipedia.org/wik...

12年以上 前 | 0

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how to skip from one line to another?
I recommend to use *if* statement for this purpose: x = 1:10; y = x.^2; if 0 y = sqrt(y); end plot(x,y) ...

12年以上 前 | 0

including subject_name in variable with a loop
eval(['final_subject_' num2str(i) '= [mean1 mean2 mean3 mean4]'])

12年以上 前 | 0

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replacing the value
samples = [ .6 .1 .8 .2 .98 .96 .45 .4 .87 ]; genes = [1;2;10]; %A=(<=.4) A = genes(any...

12年以上 前 | 0

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