How to call a function inside other function in a equation?
It depends on whether you need to use B in anywhere else. If B is only used in your function yield, you can put it in the same m...

約3年 前 | 0

Sprintf problems while trying to format a directory name followed by a string
Try this: sprintf("\\Mann_Turb\\Seed_%.0f\\class4_10_seed%.0f\\class4_10_seed%.0f_v.bin", 600, 600, 600)

約3年 前 | 0

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Finding the last value of a difference equation
Use: y(end) = -3

約3年 前 | 0

ROS required python packages
Your python installation looks good for ROS. What is the detail of the error message?

約3年 前 | 0

Solve equation including parameters dependent on main variable
k shall be a symbol, once you do this before it is used, then this will take care of the dependency of delta and theta. syms k;...

約3年 前 | 0

R2021b is close immediately on macos
What Mac OS are you using? Did you run any previous version of matlab on that machine before? Try to find the log file and se...

約3年 前 | 0

Is applying a binary operator (+,-,*,/) to char arrays supported by MATLAB or just a "trick"
Char array is a vector of chars. So you are basically doing vector operation, right?

約3年 前 | 0

Step Response of Transfer Function
Get help by doing: help tf Basically, you need to expand the denominator given in image into polynomial of s. Then take the co...

約3年 前 | 0

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What is wrong in line 101?
Your file has no line 101. Only 94 lines in total. Tried some sample input data, and it works without error. What inputs are n...

約3年 前 | 0

How to store graphs (undirected) i cell array and retrieve them
You meant: graphCellArray = {g1, g2, g3}; graphCellArray{1} % access the first one

約3年 前 | 0

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Error using images.internal.getImageFromFile in matlab R2016a
images.internal.getImageFromFile expects the input argument to be string (the filename for the image). But it is something else....

約3年 前 | 0

Using Matlab.engine and installing tensorflow at the same time
So the current hurdle is about installing/importing tensorflow, right? For the Anaconda installing issue, you might get better ...

約3年 前 | 0

Unable to find explicit solution
This equation might not even have a solution. Try to plot it: syms t b=2*t+14.3; w=3*t+21.45; A=(w*b)-(w-t)*(b-2*t); rc=(w*...

約3年 前 | 0

unable to get matlab to recognize the python installed on my computer
python on Windows might be tricky. Did you follow this page? Maybe you need to setup your PATH environment variable first?

約3年 前 | 1

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Issues Using python from MATLAB
python has trouble to find the package selenium. One easy way out is to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH inside matlab to...

約3年 前 | 0

Call component callback from another function
A callback function in your case is just a method of a class. You called your class file1 apparently. The Save method doesn't de...

約3年 前 | 1

Bulk upload issue - HTTP Error code 502
You are using python code, but this is a matlab forum, right? In general, three suggestions: Try curl. This can tell if there ...

約3年 前 | 1

Save a matrix .mat in a specific folder with a variable name
Try something this: a = 100; for i=1:3 file_name = ['filename' num2str(i)]; save(file_name, 'a'); end

約3年 前 | 0

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c code and makefile to matlab
If you can compile it and run it from terminal, can you just use the system command?

約3年 前 | 0

Can I see the text of a compiled *.m file?
The folder you mentioned in general is used for caching data locally. Most likely during compilation. This might not happen in t...

3年以上 前 | 0

Working with fortran Mex files on Mac OS
Try this answer.

3年以上 前 | 0

Plot Time Sensitive Data plus a fit in the same plot
To show more than one plots in a figure, use plot(Date, Thickness, '.'); hold on % this means you want more than one plots in ...

3年以上 前 | 0

Creating MATLAB tests in separate folder/module
Use addpath("your_root_path")

3年以上 前 | 0

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How to write this expression in MatLab
e^x is exp(x) in matlab, and lnx is log(x).

3年以上 前 | 1

How do I subplot figures and Title Figures
Try this: subplot(2, 3, 1); % there are 2x3 images, this is the first one imshow('the_first_image.png'); % show first title...

3年以上 前 | 1

Not enough input arguments
What is confusion.getMatrix? The built-in confusion is a function. There is another confusionmat, but the return arguments don't...

3年以上 前 | 0

I want to make a GUI in which only those functions run whose radio button is on, but how to make it?
Radio buttons or checkboxes? You can have a figure with multiple plots. Say if you have 10 checkboxes, then put 10 plots in th...

3年以上 前 | 0

Turn a two dimensional vector into an array
Check this command?

3年以上 前 | 0

How can i Calculate this with matlab?
If the series is convergent, one way is to set a cutoff value (for example epsilon = 0.00000001). Then when you do the sum from ...

3年以上 前 | 0

How to change the name of variables inside a file.mat?
How about this? t=100;C=80; % your data save('data.mat', 't','C'); clear; load('data.mat'); %load it first texp=t; Cexp=C...

3年以上 前 | 0

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