SVM cross validation folds' accuracy
If you use k-fold cross-validation, for each fold, app trains the model using out-of-fold observations and tests on the in-fold ...

約5年 前 | 0

It is possible to get the number and name of ports in a protected simulink model?
You can try using ‘PortHandles’ block property %Get port Handles block=get_param(‘Compiled/Block’,'PortHandles'); %Get port ...

約5年 前 | 0

Augmentations via Rotation, Shearing, Scaling, Reflection
I guess you’re using earlier version of MATLAB. The function ‘randomAffine2d’ is a new feature introduce in R2019b release, so y...

約5年 前 | 0

How do I calculate the distance between two user selected points on an image and use the calibration to get the real life distance?
You can refer imdistline to find the distance between two points on an image. You can refer this link to calculate distance in c...

約5年 前 | 0

Question to Classification Learner Toolbox
You can find the results of the trained Model in the left bottom panel of the Learner app. There is no option to edit the plo...

約5年 前 | 0

The output of the function is unrecognized in the function
Error is because of assigning output of the function to a variable in the 1st line itself. Notice that you’re calculating the m...

約5年 前 | 0

Read CRSP Data Stock by Stock
You can refer select datastore for information on how to handle the large collection of data, where entire collection doesn’t ne...

約5年 前 | 0

how to to evaluate accuracy score for a model in matlab
You can use loss function to predict classes for the test data and to get accuracy of prediction.

約5年 前 | 0

transfer the formation the data in excel as a formation of matrix
You can refer xlsread and readtable to create matrix and table respectively from the excel files

約5年 前 | 0

3D Linear Curve Fitting with guide
You can export .fig file to the .m file (File -> Export to MATLAB file) and edit in the OpeningFcn. For example, paste the foll...

約5年 前 | 0

loading data and creating a dot.mat file from scratch
Error is because, .mat file is given as input to the imageDatastore, but it accepts only location of the data. You can directly ...

約5年 前 | 0

Storing Results in a Matrix
You could use cell array to store the data. c={}; %Create an empty cell array Add your outputs to the cell array by assignm...

約5年 前 | 1

Problem importing axis on app designer
This is a known issue. There is a workaround for this error in the following link https://www.mathworks.com/support/bugreports/2...

約5年 前 | 0

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Optimize Fitted KNN Classifier
Values of “NumNeighbors” and “Distance” are changing because of setting property ‘OptimizeHyperparameters' to ‘auto’ which will...

約5年 前 | 0

How to read an excel file row by row
If you want to access elements row wise you can just use for loop. for i=1:size(x,1) for j=1:size(x,2) % x(i,j...

約5年 前 | 0

Undefined function or variable 'insfilterNonHolonomic'
'insfilterNonHolonomic' is the new syntax in R2019b version for the function 'NHConstrainedIMUGPSFuser' in R2019a version. So yo...

約5年 前 | 0

Failed to start a parallel pool in MATLAB 2019b
There is a similar question which may be of relevance to you https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/196549-failed-to...

約5年 前 | 1

How do I create a neural network that will give multiple input and outputs?
Inputs for the train should be R-by-Q matrix where R is input size and Q is batch size. Input size is 900x4 (Q- 900 and R-4) and...

約5年 前 | 0

App designer Table with input numbers of rows and columns
You can create properties and set the values using following code properties (Access = private) Property % Descript...

約5年 前 | 0

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assigning nested for loop value to matrix.
Line 4 in your code gives logical matrix and using it in Line6 gives error. You can modify your code as b4=zeros(357,41); ...

5年以上 前 | 1

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Legend plot wrong colors
To skip the legend for a plot you can set ‘HandleVisibility’ property to ‘off’ For the plot in your code plot(y_l,BSS03,'Hand...

5年以上 前 | 0

How can I use obw function in App Designer?
“obw” function without output arguments returns PSD plot in the current figure window and annotates the bandwidth. As gcf cannot...

5年以上 前 | 0

Problem with get matrix from one function buton to second.
You can access variables in another callbacks by saving the variables to handles structure, which is usually input to all callba...

5年以上 前 | 1

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How to use images in drop down menu
Matrix dimensional error is because, value and options are compared using ‘==’ operator, it gives error when the length of the v...

5年以上 前 | 0

How to extract the predicted response from the Regression Learner App ?
To extract the predicted response for trained data, Select Response plot and click Export plot to Figure. It creates a figure...

5年以上 前 | 0

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Predict Test Sample Response for SVM Regression Model
You can make changes in the example given in MathWorks documentation page to use different data which has different number of sa...

5年以上 前 | 0

Newbie Table Array and UITable question
properties (Access = private) InstrumentTable end % Callbacks that handle component events meth...

5年以上 前 | 0

Importdata not importing as a cell array and instead as a column vector
You can use textscan function to read data from an open text file into a cell array. f=fopen(‘a.txt’); data=textscan(f,'%f%f...

5年以上 前 | 0

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Classification Learner Dataset Preparation
You can perform supervised machine learning by supplying a known set of input data and the corresponding responses to that data ...

5年以上 前 | 0

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Which toolboxes do I need being an Electrical and Electronics engineer?
You can refer to the following toolboxes Communications Toolbox Antenna Toolbox RF Toolbox This example should help in ge...

5年以上 前 | 1

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