Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first.
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y.
4ヶ月 前
Divisible by n, Composite Divisors
Pursuant to <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/cody/problems/42453-divisible-by-n-prime-vs-composite-divisors Divisible by ...
4ヶ月 前
Divisible by n, Truncated-number Divisors
Some divisors only require a few numbers at the end of the number in question to determine divisibility, no matter how long. Exa...
Identify points inside a Reuleaux triangle
Write a function to identify points that lie in or on a Realeaux triangle, which is a curve of constant width. The input to the ...
4ヶ月 前
Determine whether a number is a Ludic prime
Ludic numbers are formed by a sieve. Start with a list of the positive integers. Skip 1 and start with 2. Then delete every seco...
Sum along each diagonal of a matrix
Write a routine that returns the sums along the diagonals of a given matrix, A, where the first diagonal is the bottom left corn...
4ヶ月 前
Find the closest canyon prime
My wife and I celebrated our honeymoon and most recent anniversary in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. After returnin...
Build a block Toeplitz matrix
A symmetric block Toeplitz matrix has the form,
where the are compatibly-sized matrices.
Write a routi...
5ヶ月 前
Condition number of Kronecker product
Given NxN matrix A and MxM matrix B, where M,N<=1000, write a routine to compute the condition number of kron(A,B).
5ヶ月 前
Output logical "true" if the input is the answer to luck and money$$$. Otherwise, output logical "false".
5ヶ月 前
The Prime Days of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me partridges in a pear tree.
On the second day of Christmas my true love s...
5ヶ月 前
Extract diagonal of sparse quadratic form
Consider the matrix A and vector v given by,
Write a rout...
5ヶ月 前
2x2 binning of a large sparse matrix
Consider the 20000 x 20000 sparse matrix,
The task is to divide this matrix into 2x...
5ヶ月 前
Pipeline - Variable-length Input
Design the |gt|(>) method of |function_handle| so that:
>> 1 > @sin > @cos
ans =
>> cos(sin(1...
5ヶ月 前
area of a square
find the generic solution for an area of a square
5ヶ月 前
List the partitions of an integer
Several Cody problems deal with partitions of an integer, or the ways an integer can be written as the sum of positive numbers—...