Analog Outputs stops (without reason) ?!
Looking at the documentation, it states that all the data must be queued using putdata before starting the analogoutput object. ...

12年以上 前 | 0

Analog Outputs stops (without reason) ?!
Can you post bit of the code? Also are you using the new Session based interface (R2011b) or the legacy interface ? Session B...

12年以上 前 | 0

Graphical Outputs HELP
Try doc uitable: simple example: a = magic(10); t = uitable('Data',[a(:,1) a(:,2)],'ColumnName',{'X','Y'},'RowName',...

13年弱 前 | 0

Standalone executable GUI calling Simulink
You would need to install the MCR on machines without MATLAB (MCR: Matlab Runtime) The MCR is avalable with the MATLAB Compi...

13年弱 前 | 0

DAQ output speed maximum
You should be able to increase the sample rate of your AO to reduce the steps. set(ao_Ref,'SampleRate',5000); The defaul...

13年弱 前 | 0

How to write several results in the same sheet of a Xls file ?
You can do this accurately, if you know the dimensions of the results. Otherwise, if you have good idea for maximum size of t...

13年弱 前 | 0

Convert C struct to matlab struct
Depends on the medium? How are you communicating with C in MATLAB? a) Are you using MEX files? In that case you could create...

13年弱 前 | 0

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Multiple channel Data Acquistion - NI USB-6251 & BNC-2090
Greg from your code, it seems that: ai = analoginput ('nidaq','Dev1'); chan = addchannel (ai,0:1); %Set DAQ Parameters (p...

13年弱 前 | 2

function defintion
You cannot define MATLAB functions in the middle of a script. function myscript clear; Rd=load('A1.txt') plot(Rd); ...

13年弱 前 | 0

peekdata - really latest samples? - buffer?
I believe the theory is correct. You might be able to control this using the BufferingConfig and BufferingMode properties. <h...

13年弱 前 | 0

Function to display variables in MATLAB figures
Where do you want to insert this in the plot? You can insert this as a point on the existing graph using: hold on; plot(...

13年弱 前 | 0

Fast Image Thresholding-will a mex file improve speed?
You can also use manual trigger mode on your videoinput object to reduce the overhead associated with getsnapshot. Check the ...

13年弱 前 | 0

How to choose matlab compiler version????
It depends on the MATLAB version being used to create them. If you are using MATLAB R2011a to compile, then it will always use M...

13年弱 前 | 0

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How can I compile a function that uses a modified INPUTDLG function?
Just a thought: What if you included inputdlg? (also make sure that newid is being included) Something like: mcc -m yourmainFuc...

13年弱 前 | 0

Calling MATLAB Compiled exe File
The first time an exe is called, the exe unarchives some supporting files into a temporray folder and hence there might be some ...

13年弱 前 | 0

Exporting MATLAB code to word file
You can use the publish command to publish the code and the results in a neat manner directly to word, however this will also no...

13年弱 前 | 0

Calling programs (AMPL) from within Matlab on a Mac
I guess, when you run ampl, you would need certain directories to be on the PATH (environment variable) as well as some dynamic ...

13年弱 前 | 0

Toolbox Installation Error
The error is most probably due to the fact that you do not have write privileges in the folder where the install script is does ...

13年弱 前 | 0

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How to read a file from a specific directory?
Use full_filename = fullfile(str_fol1,str_fol2,filename); <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/techdoc/ref/fullf...

13年弱 前 | 2

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Depends on what you want? Pcode functionality is built in MATLAB whereas mcc uses the MATLAB Compiler product. At the same ti...

13年弱 前 | 1

Run app created in Matlab on Mac
You need to set two environment variables to the following. DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and XAPPLRESDIR. The _mcr_root_ is the locati...

13年弱 前 | 0

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Build ITK .dll for Matlab Use?
You have a couple of options 1) If you have the code compiled in to a dll, you can directly load the dll using MATLAB loadlibrar...

13年弱 前 | 0

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DAQ issue
Couple of quick things: When you start AO, you are staring a clocked operation with this particular board based on the sample r...

13年弱 前 | 0

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How to access video from a remote camera?
You might also look at this <http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/12036-how-do-i-use-my-smart-phone-camera-as-a-webca...

約13年 前 | 0

write data from gui in excel
xlswrite will work from a GUI. xlswrite(filename,handles.data)

約13年 前 | 0

Titling figures from 1 till 20.
title(['image ' num2str(i)]);

約13年 前 | 0

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Change image after mouse over?
You cannot have WindowsButtonMotionFcn for the axes, but you can have it for the figure. Just select the GUI figure, right clic...

約13年 前 | 0

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MATLAB serial timeout handling.
The Timeout is a warning and hence you are unable to catch it. Searching a little, I found a couple of references that might be ...

約13年 前 | 1

MATLAB serial timeout handling.
Use the ErrorFcn callback <http://www.mathworks.com/help/releases/R2011a/techdoc/matlab_external/timeout.html>

約13年 前 | 0

plot 3d trajectory problem
It looks good to me: Here's my sample code % Sample trajectory t = 0:0.1:10; x = 5*cos(t); y = 5*sin(t); z = s...

約13年 前 | 0

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