
Energy-Mass Equivalence
Given input enegy of the object, E, and constant c = 300,000,000, find the mass of the object.

1年以上 前


Determina el número de cifras de un número
Crea una función que te devuelva el número de cifras de un número. Algunos ejemplos para ayudarte serían: El número 125 tie...

1年以上 前


Input & Output "Smart One"
If i give my secret function a x value as input the result will be y value as output. Examples: input: x=6 ----->>> output: ...

1年以上 前


Dial Up
Each number on telephone keypads, except 0 and 1, corresponds to a set of uppercase letters as shown in this list: 2 ABC, 3 DEF...

1年以上 前


count upper and lower case characters
In a given input string, count and return the number of upper and lower case characters as u and l respectively. For example:...

1年以上 前


find number of times of occurrence of the most frequent number in a row vector
In a given row vector, find the number of times a mode of a row vector has occurred example: in [2 5 5 5 5 3], output is 4 ...

1年以上 前


Basic matlab numeric and string manipulations
If entered input (n) is _numeric_ , compute its *log to the base (n+2)* , if it is a _lower case_ alphabet, *convert it to i...

1年以上 前


Check for keywords
If the entered string is a MATLAB keyword, return true else false

1年以上 前


Product of all elements in an array
Compute the product of all elements in an array.

1年以上 前


Capitalized string operations
Convert the input sentence to upper case and replace all vowels with an underscore ('_')

1年以上 前


Substring Extraction
In a given string, find the substring between Start_string and End_string. You will have to include or exclude the Start_str...

1年以上 前


Datetime basics
Generate the datetime scalar representing the current date

1年以上 前


Finding fourier transform of a given vector
Find the fourier transform of a given input vector for ex a=[1 2 3 4] then y=[ 10.0000 + 0.0000i -2.0000 +...

1年以上 前


reverse the order and combine a matrix

1年以上 前


iteration of N blank spot
we have N spot which can be blank o filled calculate the number of iteration for these spots. e.g. N=2 1- blank blank 2- blank f...

1年以上 前


Bubble sort
Write your own bubble sort function ( <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bubble_sort>) to sort all elements in x in ascending order....

1年以上 前


String revert
Revert all words in a sting x for example, if x = 'this is a sentence' then y should be 'sentence a is this'

1年以上 前


Chicken Race
2 chickens, Pete and Fred, compete in a 100 meter race. Pete runs at a velocity of vp meter/second and Fred is slower, running ...

1年以上 前


time difference
The arrays x and y contain time values in the form of: x = [hours minutes seconds] Create the output z which contains the...

1年以上 前


Easy Sequences 92: Number of Roots of a System of Linear Diophantine Equations
One of the tasks that Matlab is very good at, is in solving systems of linear equations. In this problem we shall tackle a sys...

1年以上 前 | 0 | 1 個のソルバー


Replicate and Tile an Array
Replicate and tile an array. Example A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] B = Epli_and_Tile(A,1,2) B = [ 1 2 3 1...

1年以上 前


Flipping a Matrix
Flipping matrix up and down. If a central row is exists, leave it, and flip remaining rows. Example Mat = magic(3) ...

1年以上 前


Add two different item as shown in example
Add two different item as shown in example x=5; y='ab'; Then output must be'5ab';

1年以上 前


Energy of an object
Calculate the total mechanical energy of an object. Total Energy= Potential energy + Kinetic energy P.E.=m*g*h K.E.=1/2...

1年以上 前


Implement a counter
Write a function that returns a function that counts the number of times it is invoked. Example: >> h = counter; >> h() ...

1年以上 前


Kinetic Energy
Given the mass m and velocity v of an object, determine its <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_energy kinetic energy>.

1年以上 前


Accessing elements on the diagonal
Access the diagonal elements of a matrix without 'diag' function

1年以上 前


Find Euclidean norm of given vector u.
Find Euclidean norm of given vector u. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance Example x=[1 1] result=sqrt(1^2+1^2...

1年以上 前


Find scalar product of two polynomials a and b, given as vector array.
Find scalar product of two polynomials given as vector array. Example a=[1 -1 2]; b=[2 4 1]; result=0

1年以上 前
