
Sum of Two Numbers
Given two integer numbers x and y, calculate their sum and put it in z. Examples: Inputs x = 2, y = 4 Output z is 6 ...

3年以上 前


Perimeter of a semicircle
Given the diameter d, find the perimeter of a semicircle

3年以上 前


only input
Return the output without writing any code into the function.

3年以上 前


Given a matrix, swap the 2nd & 3rd columns
If a = [1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4; 1 2 3 4]; then the result is ans = 1 3 2 4 1 3 2...

3年以上 前


Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer?
Who is the smartest MATLAB programmer? Examples: Input x = 'Is it Obama?' Output = 'Me!' Input x = 'Who ?' Ou...

3年以上 前


Area of a triangle
A triangle is given with base *'b'* ,vertical hight *'h'* . then find it's area.

3年以上 前


multiply by three
Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by 3 and put the result equal to y. Examples: Input x = 2 Output y is ...

3年以上 前


Arrange vector in ascending order
Arrange a given vector in ascending order. input = [4 5 1 2 9]; output = [1 2 4 5 9];

3年以上 前


Multiply a column by a row
* Given a column vector C and and a row vector R. * Output a matrix M. * Every column of M equals to C multiplied by correspon...

3年以上 前


Try 1.5.4: Celsius to Fahrenheit
Write a program to convert an input given in Celsius to Fahrenheit. Examples: Input celsiusValue = 100 Output fahrValu...

3年以上 前


Determine Whether an array is empty
Input a matrix x, output y is TRUE if x is empty, otherwise FALSE.

3年以上 前


Given an input variable x, output a variable y that is equal in value to x. Example: Input x = 1 Output y is 1 Inp...

3年以上 前


First N Perfect Squares
*Description* Return the first N perfect squares *Example* input = 4; output = [ 1 4 9 16 ];

3年以上 前


Back to basics 23 - Triangular matrix
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input matrix, return a matrix with all elements above a...

3年以上 前


Back to basics 11 - Max Integer
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Return the largest positive integer MATLAB can handle.

3年以上 前


given 3 sides, find area of this triangle
1:3 -> 0; 3:5 -> 6

3年以上 前


Convert radians to degrees
Given input in radians, output to degrees

3年以上 前


Divide by 4
Given the variable x as your input, divide it by four and put the result in y.

3年以上 前


Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees Example: If the input is: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

3年以上 前


Compute a dot product of two vectors x and y
x and y are input vectors, d is a number and contains their dot product

3年以上 前


Back to basics 22 - Rotate a matrix
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Rotate the input matrix 90 degrees counterclockwise (e.g. [1 2; ...

3年以上 前


Back to basics 8 - Matrix Diagonals
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector of numbers, output a square array with the...

3年以上 前


surface of a spherical planet
you just discovered its circumference, that is the input.

3年以上 前


Calculate area of sector
A=function(r,seta) r is radius of sector, seta is angle of sector, and A is its area. Area of sector A is defined as 0.5*(r^2...

3年以上 前


Back to basics 6 - Column Vector
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector, output true or false whether it is a colu...

3年以上 前


Find the sum of the elements in the "second" diagonal
Find the sum of the elements in the diagonal that starts at the top-right corner and ends at the bottom-left corner.

3年以上 前


Add two numbers
Calculate the sum of two numbers. Example input = [2 3] output = 5

3年以上 前


Back to basics 21 - Matrix replicating
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input matrix, generate an output matrix that consists o...

3年以上 前


Find the largest value in the 3D matrix
Given a 3D matrix A, find the largest value. Example >> A = 1:9; >> A = reshape(A,[3 1 3]); >> islargest(A) a...

3年以上 前


Tell me the slope
Tell me the slope, given a vector with horizontal run first and vertical rise next. Example input: x = [10 2];

3年以上 前
