Matrix column subtraction problem
C = zeros(5,2*3); for p = 1:2 for q = 1:3 C(:,3*p+q-3) = A(:,p)-B(:,q); end end Or this: C = re...

約7年 前 | 0

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Generate N observations from a uniform distribution on [0,1] and compare it to a threshold
Here's another way. Let there be N1 trues and N0 falses. x = [repmat(true,1,N1),repmat(false,1,N0)]; x = x(randperm(N1+...

約7年 前 | 1

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How to find minimal distance between elements?
Let your vector be called v. Then do this: d = min(diff(sort(v))); This finds the minimum distance between any two elem...

約7年 前 | 4

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please check the following code in shown the error
It looks to me as though the line H(t) = rand(M(t),K) + i*rand(M(t),K); is in error. On the first trip through that for...

約7年 前 | 0

key generation and inversing
Your code first puts the successive integers from 1 to n*m in the vector 'invKey'. Then it subjects them to a randomly determin...

約7年 前 | 1

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How can i generate continuous random numbers with multiple limit zones in matlab? For ex:i want numbers btw 50 and 150 but it should not contain numbers from 110 to 120
I interpret your words "continuous random numbers" to mean all real numbers within the given limits, not just integers. Suppose...

約7年 前 | 1

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Find the max value in a kernal
Let M be your matrix. Let R be a vector of the matrix's row subscripts of your kernel, and let C be a vector of corresponding c...

約7年 前 | 0

3 dimentions matrix Creation
I think you asking how to do this: A = repmat(A,1,1,100);

約7年 前 | 0

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Select nearest value on a vector for a given value
I notice that your vector 'Value' has ascending elements. If we can assume that, the following can be used: s = -8; % Or...

約7年 前 | 0

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Displaying complex roots of quadratic equation
On that 'else' part you need to find the two values real(x1) and imag(x1) as well as these two for x2. Then provide a display o...

約7年 前 | 0

A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same. error, what am I doing wrong?
The problem lies with the lines x(k) = x(k-1)+dxdt*Ts; y(k) = y(k-1)+d2xdt2*Ts; z(k) = z(k-1)+d3xdt3*Ts; On the...

約7年 前 | 0

How to make 3 random numbers that sum to 1
If you want your results statistically uniform area-wise, you can use the 'randfixedsum' function in the File Exchange at: <h...

約7年 前 | 2

Finding the sum of a series without symsum
You don't need 'symsum' to evaluate that series. It's easy to see that its sum is com_cos = cos(x_val)-1 just by inspec...

約7年 前 | 1

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Different result by hand-differentiaion vs MATLAB diff() function.
Your "hand-differentiation" is not correct! The 'diff' answer is correct but can be simplified to an equivalent -2/(y+1)^3. (...

約7年 前 | 0

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plot plane through set of 3d point
If X, Y, and Z are vectors of the x,y,z coordinates of your points, do this: dX = X-mean(X); dY = Y-mean(Y); dZ = Z...

約7年 前 | 0

How to create a specific vector c that has two variables x and y ?
Assume your xi's and yi's are given by a couple of column vectors, x and y of the same length. n = length(x); A = [x.^(n...

約7年 前 | 0

How to solve a system of equations?
To solve these you would have to satisfy both x(1)^2 + (x(2)+10)^2 + x(3)^2 = x(1)^2 + (x(2)-10)^2 + x(3)^2 x(1)^2 + (...

約7年 前 | 1

kindly help in debugging the following code for optimization
Matlab's error message is quite true - you have not defined P. Evidently you intended to have: P = [P1 P2 P3 P4 P5]; bu...

約7年 前 | 0

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Evaluate a Polynomial without polyval
Note that you can avoid the necessity of computing powers of x in the following. It works even if x is an array. It should sav...

約7年 前 | 0

Custom Uniform Random Distribution
If you want to obtain a density distribution proportional to 1/sqrt(x) for x in some finite interval [a,b], you can proceed as f...

約7年 前 | 0

how to generate combination through specific matrix dimension?
As James has stated, your question is not clear. I'm going to make a very wild guess as to your meaning. If it is wrong, as is...

約7年 前 | 0

I want to plot F(x) and G(x) in same graph for x=(-10,10) how can I do this?
x = linspace(-10,10); f = 5*x.^2+9*x+2; G = 3*x+12; plot(x,f,'r-',x,G,'g-')

約7年 前 | 0

How do I plot this?
I assume you had in mind that x is given in degrees. You will get some discontinuities with these: x1 = 1:.1:20; y1 = 2*s...

約7年 前 | 0

Undefined function or variable 'r', but I am confident I defined it
In your code you set xrold equal to xr and compute ea: ea=abs((xr-xrold)/xr)*100; which not surprisingly gives ea a zero...

約7年 前 | 0

How can I fix the error, or what does it mean "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals."?
The error refers to the line Density(n,N) = ... because both n and N are being as indices in 'Density' but neither are ...

約7年 前 | 0

Generate pair of random numbers with respect to a sum constraint?
(Corrected) Assuming you restrict x and y to non-negative values, the set of x and y values for which x+y<=1 would be a triangu...

約7年 前 | 1

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How to find a velocity when you have time and position values in an array?
Let x and y be row vectors of the same length where x gives successive values of the independent variable and y the correspondin...

約7年 前 | 0

dr/dt* ln(a*r*dr/dt)=b/r^7 how to solve this equation
Here is how I would approach your problem. First we write a*r*dr/dt*log(a*r*dr/dt) = a*b/r^6 Now define w: w = log...

約7年 前 | 0

According to SVD technique A=U*S*V'. But when I apply SVD to my image, I am not able to retrieve my original image. Is that because S matrix is not taking the all the eigen values? Eventhough, I had to get a partially correct image?
You've left off the transpose operator at the last step: ap*v'; It's a very small character, but it's all-important! ...

約7年 前 | 0

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