Explainable AI for Medical Images

バージョン 1.0 (240 MB) 作成者: Oge Marques
Example of how to use MATLAB to produce post-hoc explanations (using Grad-CAM and image LIME) for a medical image classification task.
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更新 2021/7/28

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Explainable AI for Medical Images

This repository shows an example of how to use MATLAB to produce post-hoc explanations (using Grad-CAM and image LIME) for a medical image classification task.

Both methods (gradCAM and imageLIME) are available as part of the MATLAB Deep Learning toolbox and require only a single line of code to be applied to results of predictions made by a deep neural network (plus a few lines of code to display the results as a colormap overlaid on the actual images).

Example of gradCAM results.
Example of imageLIME results.

Experiment objective

Given a chest x-ray (CXR), our solution should classify it into Posteroanterior (PA) or Lateral (L) view.


A small subset of the PadChest dataset1.


Suggested steps

  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Open MATLAB.
  3. Edit the contents of the dataFolder variable in the xai_medical.mlx file to reflect the path to your selected dataset.
  4. Run the xai_medical.mlx script and inspect results.

Additional remarks

  • You are encouraged to expand and adapt the example to your needs.
  • The choice of pretrained network and hyperparameters (learning rate, mini-batch size, number of epochs, etc.) is merely illustrative.
  • You are encouraged to (use Experiment Manager app to) tweak those choices and find a better solution.


[1] This example uses a small subset of images to make it easier to get started without having to worry about large downloads and long training times.


Oge Marques (2024). Explainable AI for Medical Images (https://github.com/ogemarques/xai-matlab/releases/tag/1.0), GitHub. に取得済み.

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作成: R2021a
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