Optimization in MATLAB: An Introduction to Quadratic Program

バージョン 1.8.0 (102 KB) 作成者: Seth DeLand
Files used in "An Introduction to Quadratic Programming" Webinar
ダウンロード: 5.2K
更新 2021/4/23


A control strategy for optimal operation of a hydroelectric dam is found through nonlinear and quadratic programming techniques. We use symbolic math to formulate an original model of the hydroelectric dam and then optimize the operation schedule using FMINCON. We then show how improvements can be made to the optimization process and end up with a quadratic programming problem that can be solved efficiently using the large-scale "interior-point-convex" algorithm with the QUADPROG solver.
These files go along with the "An Introduction to Quadratic Programming" webinar, which can be found here: http://www.mathworks.com/videos/optimization-in-matlab-an-introduction-to-quadratic-programming-81868.html


Seth DeLand (2024). Optimization in MATLAB: An Introduction to Quadratic Program (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35856-optimization-in-matlab-an-introduction-to-quadratic-program), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Added a live script HydroelectricDamOptimization_ProblemBased.mlx that uses the new problem-based framework to make setting up the optimization problem much cleaner.

Updated license
Updated use of "sym" to clarify that variables are 'real'.

Updated 3 files with copyright information