N largest values and locations in multidimensional array

バージョン (1.66 KB) 作成者: Alan Jennings
Returns the N largest values for a multidimensional array, and their subscripts.
ダウンロード: 529
更新 2010/11/26


For arbitrary sized arrays, it sorts the effective column array and returns the largest n elements. The column index of maximum are converted into subscripts which are returned as rows in array. Option exists to only consider unique values.

Not optimized, but meant to be functional for most cases. Not tested on sparse arrays. Function is just recommended as a handy function to put in your personal toolbox.

To find minimum values, just negate the input dataset and the output values.


Alan Jennings (2024). N largest values and locations in multidimensional array (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29543-n-largest-values-and-locations-in-multidimensional-array), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2009a
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